bring your neighborhood to life with the residents’ participation fund!

The residents’ participation fund is a tool offered by the Urban Community of Epinal at the service of residents to support and finance projects at the neighborhood level for “better living together”. These must therefore take on a dimension of general and collective interest.

These projects can focus on the following topics:

– Social, intergenerational, inter-district, inter-community links,

Sport, culture, (games, competitions, tournaments, etc.)

– Discovery of places,

– Environmental protection and awareness of sustainable development,

– Solidarity (e.g. fundraising for humanitarian causes)

The funding granted per project is €750, within the limit of the overall 2022 envelope allocated by the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion, following validation by the members of the Allocation Committee.

Suppliers are paid on presentation of invoices; no amount will be directly remitted to holders.

Examples of projects:

Animation of the public space, neighborhood meal / between neighbors, sports day, activity workshops (cooking, artistic, …), concerts, fair, contests, parades, shows, fundraising for humanitarian causes, organize a neighborhood entertainment with a service provider (storyteller, clown, etc.).

The Resident Participation Fund supports neighborhood projects:
_ In Épinal: Plateau de la Justice, ZAC and Saut-le-Cerf, Bitola, Champ du Pin and Champbeauvert, La Vierge, Grand Champ de Mars and outskirts.
_ In Golbey: Haut-du-Gras

What actions?

Develop social ties, in a spirit of openness and diversity and inter-district relations. Promote links between communities, forge intergenerational links, strengthen parent-child links, develop solidarity. Improve the living environment, protect the environment.

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