BRIguna Education Credit Makes it Easy for You to Continue Your Masters Degree – 2024-07-31 22:09:01


CONTINUING your studies to a Masters degree is the right choice for you to deepen your knowledge and improve your skills in a particular field. However, the cost of tuition is quite expensive, often becoming a stumbling block for many people to realize their dreams.

In fact, there are many ways that can be done to reduce or even free your Master’s tuition fees. How? Check out the full review below!

Take advantage of scholarship programs

Scholarships are an ideal source of funding for postgraduate studies. There are many types of scholarships available, from governments, universities, non-profit organizations, and private companies. Do your research to find the scholarship that fits your profile and needs.

Work while studying

For those who already have a job, you can still do the job while continuing your studies to a higher level. That way, the cost of college can still be covered by the salary you get every month. But remember, you also have to be good at managing your time so that each activity does not burden each other.

If the previous two options are not possible, you can consider applying for an education loan. You can get an education loan from a bank, non-bank financial institution, or government program. Make sure you choose a loan with affordable interest and installments so that it does not burden your finances in the future.

To make it easier for you to continue your studies to a higher level, BRI presents BRIguna Education Credit. This education loan is specifically for prospective S2 or S3 students who already have a steady income.

There are various benefits that you can take advantage of when applying for BRIguna Education Credit. Starting from a fast process, simply through the BRImo application, light installments that can be adjusted by the debtor’s ability, credit term until retirement, to life insurance cover.

Interested in applying for BRIguna Education Credit? Come on, download BRImo on Google Play Store, App Store, and Huawei AppGallery now to experience the ease of banking transactions in your hands. For the most updated information about BRI, you can follow Instagram @bankbri_id. (RO/Z-2)

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