Brigitte Macron surprise guest at Bagatelle disaster victims’ day

1970-01-01 00:00:00

« Brigitte Macron here? Will she come and talk to us? » Among the flood victims invited by the Lions club to a day of relaxation at Bagatelle Park, the surprise was total. The secret was well kept. “ This was not planned at the start, explains Laurent Tétu, president of the Berck – Le Touquet Lions club. But Brigitte Macron is a friend of one of our members and when she heard of our initiative, she expressed the wish to come and greet them. » And the first lady kept her word.

She arrived mid-afternoon on Friday, to an incredulous crowd. Brigitte Macron spoke with several disaster victims, before lingering with the children, taking some of them in her arms. She then attended the planned show under the big top, speaking briefly before it began. “ What is most important is solidarity and I have come to bring you mine. As part of the Hospital Foundation and the Yellow Pieces operation, I can help you. Send me your suggestions, I will respond. »

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