Brigitte Macron Fights Back Against Misguided “Trans” Label

Eight thousand euros in damages to compensate Brigitte Macron. This is what two women, Amandine Roy and Natacha Rey, will have to pay, found guilty by a Paris court of complicity in public defamation for having called the French first lady transgender. In addition, five thousand euros in compensation will be paid to Brigitte Macron’s brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux. “It is a perfectly coherent decision. It is not a victory, it is the application of the law,” Jean Enocchi, the first lady’s lawyer, told Bfmtv. The lawyer of one of the two women has instead announced that he will appeal against the sentence “which violates all the provisions of the law on freedom of the press”. The two women, who had spread their theses with a video on Youtube in 2021, were also sentenced to pay a fine of 500 euros with a suspended sentence.

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Natacha Rey, an independent journalist, spoke of a “state lie” and the “fraud” she uncovered. Bfmtv recalls that since 2017, since Emmanuel Macron‘s election to the Elysée, conspiracy theorists have regularly claimed on social media that Brigitte Macron, Trogneux when she was young, was actually a transgender woman whose birth name was Jean-Michel. A name that is, in fact, Brigitte’s brother. Last April, Macron denounced “false information and invented scenarios” against his wife. The first lady was not present at the reading of the sentence.

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#France #compensation #Brigitte #Macron #called #trans #Tempo
2024-09-14 07:51:22

– What were the implications of Brigitte Macron’s defamation ‍case ​against conspiracy‍ theorists? ⁤

Brigitte ​Macron Wins Defamation Case Against Conspiracy Theorists

In a significant ‌victory for Brigitte Macron, the French First Lady has been awarded⁤ €8,000 in damages after two conspiracy theorists​ were found guilty of defamation‌ by a Paris ​court. The two women, Amandine Roy and Natacha Rey,​ had spread‌ false ‍claims⁣ on social media that Brigitte⁤ Macron was transgender, leading to widespread ⁤outrage and harm to her reputation.

The Conspiracy Theory

The ‍conspiracy‍ theory, which has been circulating on social media ⁢since ⁤2017, claimed that ⁣Brigitte Macron was actually a transgender woman named⁣ Jean-Michel, a name that is coincidentally the‌ same as ​her ⁤brother’s. The⁤ false claims were widely shared on YouTube and other social media platforms, causing harm to Brigitte Macron’s reputation and leading to her ⁣husband, President ⁤Emmanuel Macron, to denounce the‌ “false information and invented scenarios” against his wife.

The Court’s Decision

The Paris court has ruled that ‌the two ‌women are guilty of complicity ⁣in⁢ public‍ defamation and ‍ordered them to⁣ pay €8,000 in damages to Brigitte Macron. Her brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux, will‌ also receive €5,000 in‍ compensation. The women​ have also been fined €500 ⁢with⁤ a suspended⁤ sentence.

Reactions to the Verdict

Jean⁢ Enocchi, Brigitte​ Macron’s lawyer, has welcomed ⁢the verdict, stating⁢ that it is ⁢”a perfectly coherent decision” that upholds the law. However, the⁣ lawyer of⁤ one⁣ of the⁤ women has announced that she will appeal the sentence, claiming​ that it ​”violates all ⁤the provisions of the law on⁢ freedom of the ⁣press”.

The‌ Importance ⁢of Combating Disinformation

The verdict highlights the importance of‍ combating disinformation and conspiracy theories that can cause harm to individuals⁤ and​ society as a whole. In an⁢ era where social ‌media platforms are⁤ increasingly being used ⁤to spread false information, ⁤it is essential to hold ⁣individuals accountable for spreading harmful and defamatory content.

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Optimized⁤ Keywords

Brigitte Macron

Conspiracy Theory


​Freedom of the⁢ Press


‌ Social Media

Emmanuel Macron






⁤Suspended Sentence


Meta Description

Brigitte​ Macron ⁢wins defamation case against ‍conspiracy theorists who spread false⁢ claims that‌ she is transgender. The Paris ‌court has⁣ ordered the ⁤two women to pay €8,000 in⁢ damages and⁢ fined ⁤them €500 with a suspended sentence. Read more ⁤about the importance​ of ‌combating disinformation​ and the ‌verdict’s implications.

Header​ Tags

H1: Brigitte Macron Wins⁤ Defamation Case ⁣Against Conspiracy ‍Theorists

H2: The Conspiracy Theory

‌ H2: The‌ Court’s Decision

H2: Reactions to the Verdict

H2: The Importance of ⁢Combating​ Disinformation

H2: Related Articles

What were the key details of Brigitte Macron’s defamation case regarding transgender rumors?

France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron Wins Damages in Defamation Case Against Transgender Rumors

In a significant legal victory, Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, has been awarded €8,000 in damages by a Paris court against two women who spread false and defamatory rumors about her being transgender.

The court found Amandine Roy and Natacha Rey guilty of complicity in public defamation for spreading the false information through a YouTube video in 2021. In addition to the damages, the two women were also fined €500 with a suspended sentence.

Brigitte Macron’s lawyer, Jean Enocchi, hailed the verdict as “a perfectly coherent decision” that upholds the law. However, the lawyer for one of the defendants has announced plans to appeal the sentence, citing a violation of freedom of the press.

The Origins of the Rumors

The false rumors about Brigitte Macron’s gender identity have been circulating on social media since 2017, shortly after Emmanuel Macron’s election as President. Conspiracy theorists claimed that Brigitte Macron was actually a transgender woman named Jean-Michel, which is, in fact, the name of her brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux.

Last April, President Macron denounced the false information and invented scenarios against his wife, calling them out as defamatory.

The Court’s Verdict

The Paris court’s verdict marks a significant blow to those who spread false and harmful information about public figures. By awarding damages to Brigitte Macron, the court has sent a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

The court’s decision is also a victory for freedom of expression, as it recognizes the importance of protecting individuals from defamatory statements while also upholding the right to free speech.

The Impact of the Verdict

The verdict is likely to have far-reaching consequences for those who spread false and harmful information about public figures. It serves as a warning to social media users and online content creators to be mindful of the information they share and to verify facts before spreading rumors.

In addition, the verdict highlights the need for greater responsibility and accountability in online discourse, particularly when it comes to sensitive and personal topics such as gender identity.

The Macron Family’s Reaction

President Macron and his wife have not commented publicly on the verdict, but it is likely that they welcome the court’s decision to uphold the law and protect their reputation.

Brigitte Macron’s brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux, who was also awarded €5,000 in damages, has not commented on the verdict.


The Paris court’s verdict in favor of Brigitte Macron sends a strong message about the importance of respecting individuals



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