Brigitte Bardot challenges Danish Prime Minister

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In her open letter, Brigitte Bardot calls on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to use her influence to obtain the immediate release of Paul Watson and to put an end to the prosecution against him. The historic animal rights activist urges Denmark, as a Nordic country at the forefront of ecology, not to endorse this “judicial farce” and to take a stand in favor of this activist imprisoned for his beliefs.

Madam Prime Minister,

On July 21, Captain Paul Watson, my friend and brother in arms, was arrested by Danish authorities. It is a scandal, a shame, a cowardice that does not honour your country! This man devotes his life to defending endangered species, majestic whales hunted in the very heart of sanctuaries created to protect them.

Japanese factory ships do nothing but poach, display their contempt for international animal protection rules… Madam Prime Minister, you cannot choose the side of the gravediggers of the oceans, be an accomplice of poachers, or free yourself from European regulations that protect cetaceans. !

President Emmanuel Macron assures us that his diplomacy is intervening with your government, I can assure you that in France we are concerned by the situation of Paul Watson and scandalized by the attitude of Denmark.

Paul Watson deserves the gold medal for courage and self-sacrifice, he should not end up in a Japanese prison which would sign his death sentence.…You must release him and the Danes must become aware of the injustice that is currently happening in their country, which is causing many mobilizations around the world.

Denmark’s complicity in the massacres of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands is already a shame, do not add to this shame that of handing over to Japanese poachers the symbol of the fight against the plundering of the oceans. It is a moral, ethical and humanist duty to free my brother Paul, rise to this meeting with history!

Brigitte Bardot


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In her open letter, Brigitte Bardot calls on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to use her influence to obtain the immediate release of Paul Watson and put an end to the proceedings against him. The historic animal rights activist urges Denmark, as a Nordic country at the forefront of ecology, not to support this “judicial masquerade” and to position itself in favor of this activist imprisoned for his convictions.

Dear Prime Minister,

On 21 July, Captain Paul Watson, my friend and brother in arms, was arrested by the Danish authorities. This was a scandalous, disgraceful, cowardly act which does not honour your country! This man has devoted his life to the defence of an endangered species, majestic whales hunted at the very heart of the sanctuaries created to protect them.

The Japanese factory ships do nothing but poach and display their disdain for international rules on animal protection… Prime minister, you cannot side with the camp of ocean gravediggers, be the poachers’ accomplice, ignore the European legislation designed to protect cetaceans!

President Emmanuel Macron has assured us that requests have been made to your government through diplomatic channels, I can assure you that in France we are concerned by Paul Watson’s plight and are deeply shocked by Denmark’s attitude.

Paul Watson deserves a gold medal for his courage and selfless work, he must not end up in a Japanese jail which would sign his death warrant… You must release him, and the Danish people must be aware of the injustice that is now taking place in their country, which is causing widespread protest action throughout the world.

Denmark’s complicity in the massacres of pilot whales in the Faeroe Islands is already a disgrace. Do not add to this disgrace by presenting the Japanese poachers with the symbol of the fight against the plundering of the oceans. You have a moral, ethical and humanistic duty to liberate my brother Paul. You must face the responsibility of this meeting with history!

Yours sincerely

Brigitte Bardot


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