Brightening Paso Yobái: Innovative Public Lighting Initiatives in Progress

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) has authorized public lighting works on Route PY 10 “Las Residentas”, the main access to the city of Paso Yobái, department of Guairá, with the aim of increasing the safety and comfort of residents.

During the ceremony, the head of ANDE, Félix Sosa, pointed out that this project is a clear example that teamwork and inter-institutional cooperation are the right path. “Our mission is to work with the communities to make the appropriate investments that benefit customers and the industrial sector,” he said.

At another time, he announced that the project has already been approved for the construction of a new medium voltage line, which will bring great benefits by providing a quality electricity supply to the community, with an investment of G. 13,000,000,000 (thirteen billion guaraníes), which will be 100 percent financed by ANDE.

For his part, the mayor of Paso Yobái, Oscar Chávez, expressed his gratitude for all the actions carried out with the state company, and assured that more similar works will continue with the support of the local municipality to ANDE for the benefit of the community.

This project includes the extension of 1,105 meters of low voltage lines with pre-assembled conductors, the installation of 38 250W enclosed luminaires, the assembly of 16 reinforced concrete columns and the installation of a 25 kVA overhead distribution transformer.

With this work, which required an investment of G. 134,000,000, financed by ANDE and the Municipality of Paso Yobái within the framework of an inter-institutional cooperation agreement signed by both institutions, not only local residents benefit, but also occasional passers-by and vehicles that travel on this important route.

#Public #lighting #reinforcement #works #enabled #Paso #Yobái
2024-09-07 06:00:56

Brainly[1]Comprehensive and SEO-Optimized Article on ANDE: National Electricity Administration⁣ of Paraguay[2]Introduction[3]The National ⁣Electricity Administration (ANDE) is the primary institution ‌responsible for ensuring the adequate ⁢supply of electricity⁢ to meet the needs of ‌Paraguay’s population and economy. As ⁢a state-owned company, ANDE plays a crucial role‍ in promoting‍ economic growth, social development, and improving the quality of​ life for the country’s citizens.

Objective and Mission

According to its official website, ANDE’s ​main objective is ​to satisfy the country’s electricity needs, promoting its ⁢economic development while ensuring ⁣the well-being of its citizens[[[[[[[[

]. The institution’s mission is to work with ‌communities to make investments that⁣ benefit customers and the industrial ​sector, emphasizing teamwork and inter-institutional cooperation.

Projects and‌ Initiatives

Recently, ANDE has authorized public lighting works on Route PY 10 “Las Residentas”, the ⁤main access to the city of Paso Yobái, department of Guairá. This project​ aims to increase the safety and comfort of residents, demonstrating the ​institution’s‍ commitment to ⁢improving the quality of life for Paraguayans. The project includes the extension of 1,105⁤ meters of low voltage lines with⁤ pre-assembled conductors, highlighting ANDE’s dedication to providing quality⁤ electricity supply to ‌the community.

Furthermore,⁤ ANDE has announced the approval of ⁤a⁤ new medium voltage line project, which will bring significant benefits to the community. The project, valued ​at G.⁤ 13,000,000,000 (thirteen billion guaraníes), will‌ be 100% financed⁢ by ANDE, showcasing the institution’s ability to ⁢invest in essential infrastructure for the country’s development.

Turnkey ⁢Electric Power Distribution and Transmission Works

ANDE has been involved in various turnkey electric power distribution and transmission works, as evident from ⁤the “Sovereign Guarantee Law for ANDE” (Law 6324/19) ​that regulates ANDE’s activities[[[[[[[[

Table of Contents

]. This ‍law⁢ demonstrates the Paraguayan government’s⁤ commitment to supporting ANDE’s efforts to develop the country’s electricity infrastructure.

International Cooperation

ANDE has also engaged in international cooperation, as ⁣seen in the announcement of qualified⁤ bidders for ANDE’s‌ projects[[[[[[[[

]. This cooperation underscores⁢ ANDE’s commitment to working with national‍ and international companies to achieve its objectives and improve the country’s ⁣electricity sector.


ANDE plays a vital role in Paraguay’s electricity sector,⁤ working tirelessly to ensure the ‍adequate supply of electricity to⁤ meet⁢ the​ country’s needs. Through its various projects and initiatives, ANDE ⁣demonstrates its commitment to promoting economic growth, social development, and improving the quality of life for Paraguayans. As the country continues to grow and develop, ANDE remains a key player in shaping ⁣the nation’s electricity landscape.

What are the key components of the public lighting project authorized by ANDE in Paso Yobái?

Improving Public Lighting and Electricity Supply in Paso Yobái: ANDE’s Commitment to Community Development

The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) has been working tirelessly to improve the quality of life for residents in Paso Yobái, a city in the department of Guairá, Paraguay. Recently, ANDE authorized public lighting works on Route PY 10 “Las Residentas”, the main access to the city, with the aim of increasing safety and comfort for the local community[[[3]].

This project, which includes the extension of 1,105 meters of low voltage lines with pre-assembled conductors, the installation of 38 250W enclosed luminaires, the assembly of 16 reinforced concrete columns, and the installation of a 25 kVA overhead distribution transformer, required an investment of G. 134,000,000. This investment will bring significant benefits to the community, including improved public lighting and a reliable electricity supply[[[1]].

The head of ANDE, Félix Sosa, emphasized the importance of teamwork and inter-institutional cooperation in making this project a success. He stated that ANDE’s mission is to work with communities to make investments that benefit both customers and the industrial sector[[[1]]. Furthermore, he announced that ANDE has approved the construction of a new medium voltage line, which will provide a quality electricity supply to the community, with an investment of G. 13,000,000,000 (thirteen billion guaraníes)[[[1]].

The municipality of Paso Yobái has also played a crucial role in this project, with Mayor Oscar Chávez expressing his gratitude for ANDE’s efforts and commitment to the community. He assured that more similar works will continue with the support of the local municipality to ANDE for the benefit of the community[[[1]].

In addition to these initiatives, ANDE has also established an office of complaints in Paso Yobái, where residents can report any issues related to electricity supply and public lighting[[[2]]. This office is part of ANDE’s efforts to improve its services and respond to the needs of the community.

The partnership between ANDE and the municipality of Paso Yobái is a testament to the power of inter-institutional cooperation in driving community development. By working together, these institutions can make a significant impact on the lives of residents, improving the quality of life and promoting economic growth in the region.







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