Brief preparations, pending political process

2024-07-26 09:00:06
Yannick Neuder, Member of Parliament for the Republic of Isère and General Rapporteur on the Social Security Financing Bill, spoke at the National Assembly in Paris on April 2, 2024.

Will there be a “Secu” budget in the fall? Health professionals are beginning to express doubts. While the Government of Gabriel Attal deals with current events, preparations for the Financing of Social Security (PLFSS) 2025 (PLFSS) are being painstakingly underway due to clear guidelines since the President of the Republic accepted his resignation on July 16. In principle, as every year, it must be submitted to the Council of Ministers by the end of September in order to be presented to the National Assembly by the first Tuesday in October at the latest. But the timeline proves that this time, respect for complexity and maximum ambiguity still overwhelm the content of the text, and those who hold the pen have no free rein.

The development of the PLFSS followed a smooth process, with back-and-forth discussions taking place between the relevant central governments before the text reached Parliament. The calculators have been selling like hotcakes since April, especially in Social Security and Budget departments, where senior officials are calculating the performance of previous budgets based on reams of reports and Excel sheets. “The PLFSS is by no means an innocuous text, limited to a set of technical measures, it structures a social policy, which means making political choices”” recalled Marisol Touraine, Health Minister during Hollande’s five-year term (2012-2017).

The ceremony has been severely disrupted for a month and a half. The dissolution was announced on 9 June and early legislative elections were held, usually at the moment when the first political decision on the text is taken. “We are a month late”we sneaked over to the Ministry of Health.

Reduce government freedom

In Bessie’s case, it wants to be reassuring. Dispose “Possible integration of PLFSS” Discovered in the spring, “Draft forms to size” It was done in June, “Just like every year”Outgoing public accounts minister Thomas Cazenave gave the cabinet the assurance. On the other hand, he admitted, “The arbitration meeting usually held in July did not take place” therefore it is “Transfer”.

Implementing this has become more difficult as the resigned government narrows freedoms. That it should deal only with current affairs is a jurisprudential concept that needs explanation. Matignon said ministerial teams in such situations could prepare and present “Financial Law”. However, the PLFSS is slightly less attractive than the Finance Bill (PLF) because, unlike the latter, the former “Not a text authorizing credit”Gilles Huteau, professor of social law at the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health, explains. In other words, social benefits, pensions and drug reimbursements will continue to be paid even without PLFSS. However, such a text is required to determine the borrowing capacity granted to the Urssaf State Fund (“Secu” Bank) in order to be able to honor payments.

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