Bridging the Gap: Business Roundtable’s Transformative Visit to Misiones for the ‘Zero Hunger’ Initiative

Asuncion, IP Agency.- This Tuesday, September 10, the business roundtable that connects producers of family farming and small entrepreneurs with the companies awarded the contract to provide school meals through the “Zero Hunger in Schools” program will be held in the department of Misiones.

The business meeting will take place in the “Mangoré” event hall of the Misiones Government, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Those interested in participating can register through the digital form or request more information from the Secretary of Labor of the Government of Misiones, through the number 0982824731.

Local products such as dairy products, baked goods, desserts, meats, fruits and vegetables, honey, desserts, among others, are the most in demand by the “Zero Hunger” supplier companies that are required to purchase inputs from family farming and MSMEs, in percentages established for each sector.

To date, more than 42 billion guaraníes in business prospects have been generated through business meetings promoted in different departments, through the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and local governments.

#Business #roundtable #arrives #Misiones #connect #producers #MSMEs #Hunger #program
2024-09-12 15:01:22

School meal⁣ Coalition members

The Importance of School Meals: Providing⁣ Nutritious Food for‍ a Brighter Future


School meals play a vital ⁣role in ensuring that ‌children have access to nutritious food, which ⁣is essential for their physical and cognitive development. Meals provided at school can ⁣have a significant impact on a child’s ability to focus, learn, and perform well academically. Moreover, it can also help to ⁣alleviate hunger and ⁢malnutrition, which are significant barriers to education. In this article,⁤ we will ⁣explore the importance of ‌school meals, the​ benefits‌ they provide,‍ and the efforts being made ​to ensure that every child has access to nutritious food.

Benefits of School⁢ Meals

School meals offer a range ⁤of benefits for children, including:

Improved Nutrition: School meals provide children with a balanced diet that meets their⁢ nutritional needs. This ‌is especially important for children ⁤from low-income ⁣families ​who ‌may ⁢not have access‌ to nutritious food ⁢at home. [[2]]

Better Academic Performance: Studies‍ have shown that children who have access to nutritious‌ food​ are more likely to perform‌ well academically. Hunger and malnutrition ⁢can negatively ⁢impact a​ child’s ability⁣ to focus and learn. [[1]]

Reduced Hunger and Malnutrition: School ‌meals ‍can⁤ help to alleviate hunger and⁢ malnutrition, which are ‍significant barriers to education. When children are hungry, they​ are more likely to be absent from school, which can negatively impact their ‍education. [[1]]

Efforts to ‍Provide ​School‌ Meals

Several organizations and governments⁢ are⁣ working‍ to ensure that‌ every child has access to ⁤nutritious food. For example:

World Food Programme: The World Food Programme’s (WFP) School Meals⁢ Programme ⁣supports governments to ⁢ensure that all school-aged children​ have ⁤access to school meals⁤ and are healthy and ready to learn. [[1]]

Zero ‍Hunger ‍in Schools Program: The Zero⁤ Hunger in Schools Program aims to provide nutritious food to children⁤ in schools. The ⁤program ⁤connects producers of‍ family farming and small entrepreneurs⁣ with⁢ companies awarded the contract ⁢to provide school meals. [[3]]

Challenges and ⁢Solutions

Despite the efforts ‍being made, ⁣there are‌ still several challenges to ⁤providing⁤ school meals. These include:

Funding: Providing school meals requires significant funding. Governments and organizations are working to secure funding‌ to support school meal programs.

* Logistics: Providing school meals ‌can be⁣ logistically challenging, especially in rural areas. Organizations⁤ are​ working to develop innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.


School meals are‍ essential for providing children with the nutrition​ they need to thrive. It is critical that governments, organizations, and individuals⁣ work together ⁢to ensure that every child ‌has⁤ access to nutritious food. By providing school meals, we can help to alleviate hunger ⁤and malnutrition, improve academic performance, and provide children with ‌the ​opportunity to reach​ their ‌full potential.

Goal 2 Agenda 2030 English

Ending Hunger: A Global Goal

Hunger is a pressing global issue that affects millions of people worldwide. In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Goal 2 focusing on achieving zero hunger by 2030 [1[1]. This goal aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

The Alarming Increase in Hunger

Despite efforts to combat hunger, the global issue has shown an alarming increase since 2015 [1[1]. The World Food Programme (WFP) works to reach zero hunger by 2030, a target agreed upon by governments under the Sustainable Development Agenda [2[2].

Initiatives to Achieve Zero Hunger

To achieve zero hunger, various initiatives have been launched globally. For instance, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines has launched the ZERO HUNGER initiative through the Expanded Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPHAP) program, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture [3[3].

Local Efforts to Combat Hunger

At the local level, business roundtables are being organized to connect producers of family farming and small entrepreneurs with companies awarded contracts to provide school meals through the “Zero Hunger in Schools” program. These initiatives aim to promote local products and support family farming and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) [4[4].

School Meal Coalition Members

The School Meal Coalition members work together to ensure that school meals are sourced from local farmers and MSMEs, promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting the local economy.


Achieving zero hunger by 2030 requires a collective effort from governments, organizations, and individuals. Initiatives such as the ZERO HUNGER program and business roundtables can help promote sustainable agriculture, support local economies, and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food. Let us work together to create a world free of hunger and malnutrition.






Note: The references provided are used to support the article and provide additional information on the topic of zero hunger.



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