Bridge over the Strait, from society to the times: what’s in the decree. Executive project by July 2024

Seven articles, from the corporate structure and governance to the final provisions. The draft law decree containing urgent provisions for the construction of the stable connection between Sicily and the Continent reopens the bridge over the Strait. According to reports, the meeting of the Council of Ministers will be held tomorrow at 16.30. The possibility of bringing the decree law for the bridge over the Strait to examination is still being evaluated.

Strait of Messina Spa

The Stretto di Messina Spa company is back in which – reads the text – “the participation of Rfi, Anas, the Regions of Sicily and Calabria, as well as, to an extent of no less than 51%, the Ministry of the Economy, which exercises the rights of the shareholder in agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructures, to which the latter is assigned the functions of direction, control, technical and operational supervision”.

Concession, duration of thirty years

The draft states that the board of directors of Ponte di Messina Spa is made up of five members, two of whom are designated by the Ministry of the Economy in agreement with Infrastructures, who respectively hold the position of chairman and managing director, one member designated by the Calabria Region, a member designated by the Sicily Region and a member designated by Rfi and Anas. The concession, entrusted to the company from the date of revocation of the state of liquidation, “has a duration of thirty years starting from the entry into operation of the work” and “possible extensions of the terms for the construction of the work – continues the text – determine corresponding postponements of the duration of the concession».

Executive project by July 2024

«The timetable for the construction of the work, with the expectation that the executive project is approved by 31 July 2024». This is the date indicated for the project for the bridge over the Strait of Messina in the draft of the law decree containing urgent provisions for the construction of the stable link between Sicily and the mainland.

The contracts canceled by Monti are reborn

The draft provision being examined by the Government revives the 2011 project and puts the procurement contracts canceled by the Monti government with the decree law 179 of 2012 back on track, with the exception of services relating to environmental monitoring. «The contracts entered into by the concessionary company, which were terminated pursuant to article 34-decies, paragraph 3, of the decree-law of 18 October 2012, n. 179, converted, with amendments, by law no. 221 of 17 December 2012, resume producing their effects starting from the resolution approving the final project», reads the draft decree.



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