BRICS Young Artists Discover the Richness of Russian Theatre Traditions Through Engaging Workshops

The programme, which turned Moscow into a platform for professional training and cultural exchange between artists from different continents, was developed jointly by TVBrics, the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS, and the Gorchakov Fund for Support of Public Diplomacy.

Twelve young artists aged between 21 and 35 were selected to take part in the internship. They will study at GITIS for several weeks.

A rich educational and cultural programme is prepared for foreign guests. They attend lectures on the history of Russian theatre, the career path and techniques of outstanding actors and playwrights.

Under the guidance of the Institute’s leading teachers, trainees analyze plays and productions, and become familiar with the best practices and traditions of the Russian school of acting.

Vera Kamyshnikova, Honored Artist and Head of the Department of Stage Performance at GITIS, noted that the internships contribute to both professional development and mutual cultural enrichment of the program participants.

“It is not only an exchange of ideas and exercises, but also the knowledge of other countries and languages, of other theatre schools,” said the professor.

He added that the linguistic and cultural diversity of the fellows not only did not become an obstacle to working together, but rather added interest and colour to the learning process.

The BRICS group was initially formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but as of January 1, 2024, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia joined the bloc.


BRICS Young ‍Artists Internship Programme: Fostering Cultural Exchange and Professional​ Growth⁢ in Moscow

In a bid to promote cultural exchange and ​professional development among young artists from around the world, ⁤the BRICS Young Artists Internship Programme⁣ was launched in Moscow. This innovative initiative was developed jointly by TVBrics, the Russian Institute ‍of Theatre Arts ⁤GITIS, and the Gorchakov Fund for Support of Public Diplomacy. The programme aims to bring together talented ⁤artists from different continents, providing them with a unique opportunity to study and learn⁤ from each other⁤ in the ⁤heart of Russia.

A Platform for Emerging ​Talent

Twelve ⁤young artists, aged⁤ between 21 and 35, were ⁣selected to ⁣participate in the internship programme. They will spend ⁤several weeks‍ studying at the prestigious GITIS, immersing themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Russian ⁤theatre. This opportunity will enable them to hone their ⁢skills, gain ​new insights, and expand their professional network.

Comprehensive Educational Programme

A comprehensive educational⁤ and cultural programme has been carefully designed for the foreign guests. They will attend lectures on the history of Russian theatre, delve into the career paths and techniques of‌ renowned actors and playwrights, and analyze plays and productions under the ​guidance of GITIS’⁢ leading teachers. By doing so, they⁢ will ⁤become familiar with the best practices​ and traditions of the Russian⁢ school of acting.

Cultural Exchange and Mutual Understanding

The programme is not only about professional development but also about fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange between artists from different parts of the world. As Vera Kamyshnikova, ​Honored Artist and Head of the Department of Stage⁢ Performance at GITIS,‍ noted, ⁢the internships contribute to both professional ‍growth and cross-cultural understanding.

A Rich Experience

Throughout their stay in Moscow,‌ the ‌young artists will have the opportunity to experience the vibrant ⁢cultural scene ⁤of ‍the city. They will attend performances, ‌visit iconic theatres, and engage with local artists,⁢ allowing⁤ them‍ to gain a deeper understanding of Russian culture and its rich artistic heritage.

The Power of International Collaboration

The ​BRICS Young ‌Artists Internship Programme is a testament to the power of international collaboration and the importance ​of fostering cultural‌ exchange between nations. By bringing together talented artists from different backgrounds, the programme promotes mutual respect, understanding,‍ and cooperation, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious ‍and​ interconnected world.


The BRICS Young Artists Internship Programme is a ​unique initiative that offers a unique⁣ opportunity for emerging artists to develop their skills, expand their network,⁤ and experience the rich cultural heritage of Russia. By providing a platform for ‌cultural exchange and professional growth, the programme paves the way ‌for a new generation of artists to thrive and contribute ‍to ​the rich tapestry of global‍ cultural diversity.

Keywords: BRICS Young Artists Internship Programme, Moscow, Cultural Exchange, Professional Development, Russian Theatre, GITIS, TVBrics, Gorchakov Fund ⁢for Support of Public Diplomacy.

Meta Description: Discover the BRICS Young Artists ⁢Internship Programme, a unique initiative promoting cultural exchange and professional growth among emerging ⁢artists from ​around the world.

Header Tags:

H1: BRICS‍ Young Artists Internship Programme: Fostering Cultural Exchange and Professional Growth in Moscow

H2: A Platform for ​Emerging Talent

H2: Comprehensive Educational Programme

H2: Cultural Exchange and Mutual⁣ Understanding

H2: A Rich Experience

⁤H2: The ⁤Power of International Collaboration

* H2: Conclusion



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