Brenda Ballell on healthy eating and liver detoxification

The detoxification of the organism is the process through which the body gets rid of toxins that are harmful to health. In this cleansing process, the liver plays a very important role, since both this organ and the intestine are vital for human well-being.

Brenda Ballell helps people to improve their health through new lifestyle habits and healthy eating, promoting, where required, the liver detoxificationwith which the mechanisms that the body has to eliminate substances that interfere with health and long-term quality of life are favored.

What is liver detoxification

The detoxification processes that occur in the liver are divided into two phases: in the first, a modification of the xenobiotics or chemical substances that come from abroad (food, medicines, substances breathed in or through the skin, etc.) is generated, or either are produced naturally in the body (hormones such as estrogens, histamine or catecholamines). In the second instance, certain molecules are added that favor its elimination. The objective is to transform non-polar (non-soluble) substances that the body cannot eliminate, into polar (soluble) substances that are easily excreted mainly through feces or urine.

During the first stage of liver detoxification, Different types of biochemical reactions take place Determined by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes. As a result, highly oxidative and inflammatory reaction intermediates are produced that must be eliminated as soon as possible through the second phase. In this next stage, conjugation reactions take placethat is, the products of the metabolic transformation of the toxins are combined with water-soluble endogenous compounds (methyl groups, sulfate, glutathione, glucuronic acid, etc.).

These reactions are produced by a wide variety of enzymes that work with the help of certain vitamins and minerals, known as cofactors or coenzymes. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress or damage. However, the most important thing is that there is a balance between the different detoxification reactions so that the liver and the whole organism benefit.

Importance of the liver for the human body

You cannot think of having optimal health if organs such as the liver and intestine are not protected. The latter has a large number of live microorganisms that are essential to strengthen the immune system and that contribute to the digestion of nutrients and their absorption.

On the other hand, the liver is of vital importance for the body because it is a purifier par excellence and it is essential to eliminate harmful elements. In addition, it should be noted that the liver is also the organ that is responsible for biotransforming medications, making them functional or eliminating them from the body.

Likewise, it fulfills other functions such as the secretion of bile, essential for the digestion of dietary fats, balances and manufactures glucose as the body needs it, purifies bilirubin, regulates blood coagulation, among others. This organ is affected when people do not follow a healthy diet and good lifestyle habits. For this reason, it is necessary to seek advice from experts such as Brenda Ballell to learn how to acquire healthier eating habits that allow preserving the well-being of one of the most vulnerable organs of the human body.

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