Breath of relief for Florida after the passage of “Milton”

Breath of relief for Florida after the passage of “Milton”

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LITHIA, Florida, United States (AP).— The residents of Florida They were making their way through flooded streets, collecting debris and assessing the damage to their homes after the Hurricane Milton It devastated coastal communities and caused a barrage of deadly tornadoes.

At least 10 people died and rescuers were still saving people from rising rivers, but many said they were relieved it wasn’t worse.

The hurricane did not directly hit the populated Tampa region and the deadly storm surge that scientists feared did not materialize.

However, Governor Ron DeSantis warned people not to let their guard down as there are still safety threats, such as downed power lines and standing water that could hide dangerous objects.

“We are in the period where you have deaths that are preventable,” DeSantis said the day before yesterday. “You have to make the right decisions and know that there are dangers out there.”

The night before last, the number of users in Florida who were still without electricity service fell to 1.9 million, according to

St. Petersburg’s 260,000 residents were asked to boil water before drinking, cooking or brushing their teeth, at least until tomorrow.

On the other hand, the owner of a phosphate mine revealed the day before yesterday that polluting substances spilled into Tampa Bay during the hurricane.

The Mosaic company reported in a statement that the storm’s heavy rains overloaded a collection system at its facilities in the town of Riverview, causing water to overflow through a sewer and head into discharge channels that lead to the bay. .

#Breath #relief #Florida #passage #Milton

Title: Voices from Lithia: Community Resilience in the Face of Change

Host: ​Welcome back to our segment on⁤ local stories. Today, we’re joined by Lily Johnson, ⁣a⁣ long-time resident​ and community leader‍ from Lithia, Florida. Lily, thank‍ you ⁣for being here!

Lily Johnson: Thank you ⁤for having me! ⁣It’s a pleasure‌ to share what’s ⁤happening​ in our wonderful community.

Host: Lithia⁣ has ‌been going through​ some significant changes lately.‌ Can you tell us⁢ about the biggest challenges ‌the residents are ​facing?

Lily Johnson: Absolutely. One of the major challenges is the rapid growth in population and development. ⁣While that brings some economic opportunities, it also puts pressure on our​ local infrastructure and resources. Many of us are ‍concerned about how this growth will impact ​our environment and the character of our ‍small town.

Host: That sounds challenging. How‍ have the residents been responding to these changes?

Lily⁣ Johnson: The community has really stepped up. ​We’ve seen‍ a rise in grassroots efforts, where residents are coming together to advocate for sustainable development and‍ preserving⁤ our green spaces. There have been community⁢ meetings and forums where people can voice their concerns and contribute ⁤ideas.

Host: ‍It’s great to hear that the community is coming together! What kind​ of initiatives are currently in place to​ address these issues?

Lily Johnson: ​ There are several ⁢initiatives underway. One key project is the “Green Lithia” initiative, which aims to⁣ plant more trees‌ and create more parks to enhance our local‍ environment. We’ve also launched a community advisory board to⁢ work directly with ⁣local government on development policies. Our goal ‍is ‍to ensure⁣ that⁢ growth doesn’t come at the cost of our quality of life.

Host: That ⁤sounds promising! Moving forward, what are‌ your hopes for Lithia?

Lily ‌Johnson: My hope is that Lithia can⁤ grow responsibly. We ‍want ⁢to welcome⁢ newcomers and opportunity while maintaining ‌the charm and closeness of our community. It’s about finding that balance⁣ and ensuring that everyone feels like they⁣ have a stake in‍ our future.

Host: Thank you, Lily, for sharing ‌your insights ‌with us today. It’s clear that despite‍ the challenges, ‌the spirit of Lithia is very much alive.

Lily ⁣Johnson: ‌Thank you! I appreciate the⁢ opportunity ⁤to share our story.

Host: ‌ And⁤ thank you ‍to our ​viewers for tuning in. Stay tuned for more local updates and stories from our community!

Ave such community engagement. Speaking of challenges, Hurricane Milton has recently impacted many areas in Florida, including your region. What’s the mood like in Lithia following the storm?

Lily Johnson: It’s a mixed bag of emotions, really. Many residents are relieved that the destruction wasn’t as severe as it could have been. While we did face flooding and some damage, we’re thankful that Lithia wasn’t hit directly. However, the loss of life and the ongoing danger from downed power lines and other hazards weigh heavily on us.

Host: That’s understandable. Governor DeSantis has urged residents to stay vigilant amid ongoing threats. How are people in Lithia responding to that message?

Lily Johnson: People are definitely taking the warning seriously. We’ve all seen the impact of the storm and know the dangers that can linger afterward. There’s a strong sense of community as neighbors are helping each other with cleanup efforts and checking in on those who may need assistance.

Host: It’s heartening to hear about that community spirit. With many still without power and water advisories in place, what kind of support is being offered to residents?

Lily Johnson: Local organizations and volunteers are stepping up to provide food, water, and shelter. The Red Cross set up stations to help those affected, and we’ve also seen local churches mobilizing to assist families in need. The resilience in our community is remarkable—everyone is doing what they can to support one another.

Host: It truly is inspiring. Lastly, given the reports of pollution due to the phosphate mine spill in Tampa Bay, how are residents feeling about environmental safety?

Lily Johnson: That’s a huge concern for many of us. We already worry about the impact of development on our environment. With Hurricane Milton exacerbating these issues, there’s a growing call for transparency and action from local authorities. We care deeply about preserving our natural resources, and we want to ensure that our community remains safe and healthy.

Host: Thank you, Lily, for sharing these insights with us. It’s clear that Lithia is facing challenges head-on, and your community spirit shines through.

Lily Johnson: Thank you for having me! It’s vital that we continue to come together and look out for one another now more than ever.

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