Breastfeeding: How to achieve safe weaning? – in the news

2024-08-06 15:10:16

August 6, 2024

Weaning involves gradually stopping nursing your baby. To make this step as smooth as possible, it’s best to anticipate and not rush it.

Until August 7th, World Breastfeeding Week is still taking place. Let’s take this opportunity to look at the situation of weaning, which is often synonymous with worry for young mothers. Weaning, the gradual cessation of breastfeeding in favor of infant milk feeding, can be full or partial, for example for mothers returning to work, where feedings can be continued in the morning and evening.

Stop gradually to avoid mastitis

Weaning does not require medication, it is a natural process. “When the child sucks less, the mother’s breasts naturally produce less milk. It’s the law of supply and demand!”, Justifies the first 1000 days of the website.

For weaning under optimal conditions, it is highly recommended to gradually reduce the number of feedings. “First, we can replace one feeding a day with age-appropriate baby ‘milk’ from a bottle or cup,” Again depends on the age of the baby.

Gradual weaning helps avoid breast swelling and the risk of mastitis. “The breasts must remain soft and free of hard, hot, red, sore areas, which may indicate the onset of mastitis or abscesses as a result of weaning too quickly”Leche League, International Association for Breastfeeding Support and Information Warning.

Possibility of maintaining morning and evening feedings

However, sometimes the breasts feel tight and painful due to engorgement. To relieve your own discomfort, don’t hesitate to express your milk by massaging your breasts or using a hot shower to let the milk flow. When you no longer feel full, you can skip another feeding. According to the International Leche League Association, “From the perspective of a full withdrawal and resumption of work, doing this two to three weeks before D-Day seems reasonable.”

It is also possible to partially wean and continue breastfeeding in the morning, evening and weekends. But be aware that once you stop using the first bottle, milk production may drop dramatically. “Some mothers can successfully nurse for several months with one or two bottles a day and then have great flexibility in continuing to breastfeed. In contrast, others will find that their milk supply quickly decreases after one bottle a day. Designated Leche League. Ultimately, if possible, you can express at work – the Labor Code gives you the right to express for one hour a day – to continue stimulating milk production during the day.

Familiarize your baby with the bottle

Weaning can sometimes be difficult, especially if your baby refuses the bottle. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from early childhood professionals, especially professional associations such as PMI or the Leche League. Before weaning, you can give your child a bottle and pacifier when he is not hungry. Do not hesitate to repeat so that your baby becomes familiar with the pacifier during weaning. The first bottle can be prepared with baby milk or even breast milk that you expressed previously.

The second parent also plays a role in the weaning process. If someone other than the mother feeds the baby, it may be easier for the baby to accept no longer nursing. You can also try giving him the bottle in a different room than where he normally nurses.

Sources: La Leche League International, Quebec’s National Institute of Public Health,

Written by: Dorothée Duchemin – Editor: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#Breastfeeding #achieve #safe #weaning #news



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