Breast cancer prevention at «Med, the doctor answers» | L’Arena

are telearena and radioverona

Francesca Fornasa, director of the Intercompany Diagnostic Imaging Department of Ulss 9 Scaligera, will answer questions live at 045 96.00.103 and Whatsapp messages at 335 60.11.610

The first episode of the show Med, the doctor answers, on Telearena and Radioverona

Prevention of breast cancer is the theme of the second episode of “Med, the doctor answers” the broadcast will be aired tomorrow morning (September 25) from 8.20 on Telearena and Radioverona.

Guest in the studio the doctor Francesca Fornasadirector of the Inter-company Diagnostic Imaging Department of Ulss 9 Scaligera, who will answer questions live at number 045 96.00.103 and Whatsapp messages to number 335 60.11.610.

We will talk about lifestyle choices to adopt to stay healthy and the importance of undergoing screening for early diagnosis of breast cancer.



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