Breast cancer prevention: a call to life and early detection – Infobae

Breast Cancer Awareness: A Cheeky Yet Serious Perspective

Let’s chat about a subject that’s as heavy as my bank account after a night out – breast cancer. Now, before you think this is going to be a dreary affair, let me remind you that breast cancer doesn’t just knock on your door – it kicks it in! But don’t worry, there’s a silver lining: early detection is like getting a VIP pass to the concert of life. So, let’s dive into this with the enthusiasm of a kid entering a candy store!

According to the Colombian League Against Cancer, this sneaky little beast can actually be curable if detected and treated in time. We’re talking about listening to your body like it’s your favorite playlist – and attending to those warning signs as if they were “free pizza” offers. After all, who wouldn’t want to catch it early, like the eager beaver you were in gym class?

The Numbers Don’t Lie!

Now, have you heard the stats? More than 2.3 million cases of breast cancer were diagnosed globally in 2022 alone. That’s not just a number; that’s a statistic that deserves a serious “wow.” The great Dr. Juan Carlos Velásquez from Clínica del Country tells us that on average, over 17,000 new cases pop up yearly in Colombia. So, grab your magnifying glass, Sherlock; this is serious business!

The good doctor also hints that age is not just a number; it’s a warning sign! Watching out for breast cancer is like keeping an eye on those friends who say “Let’s just have one drink” – it’s all fun and games until someone ends up on the karaoke stage. Start those screening exams at 50, and if you’ve got family history, make it 40. Prevention is key, like wearing sunscreen in the summer!

Don’t Rely Solely on Self-Exams!

And while we’re on the topic of self-examinations – ladies, it’s fantastic to check yourselves regularly, but relying solely on that is like trying to cook a five-course meal with just a microwave. You need the right tools! Mammograms and ultrasounds are the real deal, identifying tumors you might miss with just your hands. You wouldn’t build a house with just a hammer, would you?

Innovative Treatments: The Thrillers of Modern Medicine

Let’s not forget that science is doing its dance too! With immunotherapies that make your immune system stronger than a bull in a china shop, and theranostics that hit tumors like those lasers in sci-fi films, there are options out there that can make a dramatic difference. We’re in an age where fighting cancer can feel like being in a Marvel movie – and who wouldn’t want to be the hero of their own story?

Awareness Events that Light the Way

As we gear up for World Breast Cancer Prevention Day, there’s going to be some eye-popping events like the pink lighting of buildings across Colombia. Could you imagine seeing the Colpatria Tower lit up in pink? It’s like telling cancer, “Not today!” It’s an artistic revolution turning fear into inspiration, thanks to the fabulous Viviana Grondona.

So, if you spot anything unusual with your breasts – lumps, skin changes, or even suspicious discharge that thinks it can make a cameo – don’t sit on it. Consult a doctor! Early detection is the superhero cape that improves treatment outcomes. And let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be the superhero of their own health?

In Conclusion

As we raise awareness, remember: Understanding cancer saves lives. Check yourself and get diagnosed regularly. Engage with medical professionals, and don’t shy away from conversations about your health. It’s time to take charge and stand strong against breast cancer – because knowledge is power, and laughter can be the best medicine. Now that’s a prescription I’d happily fill!

According to the Colombian League against Cancer, this type of condition is curable if it is detected and treated in time, and therefore, it is necessary to listen to the body in time and attend to the warning signs – credit Jesús Avilés / Infobae

Breast cancer continues to affect millions of people around the world. According to data from Globocan, (an initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC that provides current estimates of incidence and mortality of the main types of cancer worldwide), this type of cancer is the most common among women, with more of 2.3 million cases diagnosed in 2022.

In this context, and in the midst of the commemoration of World Breast Cancer Prevention Day, It is essential to focus efforts on early detection through diagnostic testswhich allows a better prognosis in treatment.

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And, according to Dr. Juan Carlos Velásquez, head of the Oncology Service at Clínica del Country and Clínica La Colina: “In Colombia, on average, more than 17,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed per yearmaking it the most common type of cancer in the country.” It also explains that the incidence of this disease is directly related to age, as it increases significantly after age 40.

The specialist referred to the importance of performing exams such as mammograms for the detection of breast cancer and increasing screenings starting at age 50 in the general population, and at age 40 in patients with genetic risk factors.

Although breast self-examination is a valuable practice, it should not replace regular medical exams – credit Illustrative Image Infobae

In terms of advances, science has made considerable strides in the treatment of breast cancer. In Colombia, there are innovative therapies such as immunotherapywhich strengthens the patient’s immune system so that their body identifies and destroys cancer cells.

Likewise, Dr. Velásquez highlights the use of theranostics, a technique that uses nuclear medicine to direct radioactive materials directly to the tumor, protecting surrounding healthy cells.

Breast cancer is a disease that often does not present symptoms in its initial stages, which makes specific examinations crucial for its early detection. Although self-examination is a useful tool for women, it should not be the only screening methodsince this condition can develop without visible or palpable signs.

It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will have breast cancer throughout their lives, this being the main reason why women should undergo a regular evaluation of their breasts, according to the WHO instructions – credit Jesús Aviles /Infobae

Self-examination involves women examining their own breasts regularly to look for any unusual changes.. However, health experts recommend complementing this habit with more precise medical tests, such as mammograms and ultrasounds, which can identify abnormalities that are not detectable by touch.

The importance of medical screening lies in its ability to identify cancer in early stages, when it is most treatable. Mammograms, for example, use x-rays to detect tumors that are too small to be palpated; these types of tests are essential for early and effective diagnosis.

Furthermore, health professionals emphasize that Women should watch for any changes in their breasts, such as lumps, skin changes, or unusual dischargeand consult a doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

Early detection through clinical methods is essential to improve treatment results – credit Andina

During 2024, Clínica del Country, Clínica La Colina and Colmédica promote the message “Understanding cancer saves lives”, an initiative that seeks to educate the population about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis, inspiring strength and hope through of art.

For this reason, the renowned Colombian illustrator Viviana Grondona joined this cause with the creation of inspiring works that invite you to reflect on the power of art to transform the meaning of breast cancer and turn this pathology into a synonym for life.

And in October, different actions will be promoted, such as the pink lighting of several buildings in the capital on October 21, 2024, including the Colpatria Tower and the National Museum, and the exhibition of exclusive artistic works by the artist who will be held in said Museum.



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