Breast Cancer Detection and Prevention: Signs, Symptoms, and Early Detection Methods

2024-01-12 20:00:00

breast cancer

If the breasts change ‘like this’, it is a sign of cancer.

Reporter Shin So-young

The most common early symptom of breast cancer is feeling a lump or lump in the breast./Photo = Clip Art Korea Breast cancer is the No. 1 cancer among women in Korea. In 2022, the number of breast cancer patients in Korea continues to increase to 235,118. Of course, breast cancer has a good prognosis, with a survival rate of 93.8%, but the treatment process is not always smooth, as it requires a breast resection. Like other diseases, early detection of cancer is very important, so let’s find out how to detect it.

◇Check whether you can feel a lump or lump in your chest.
The most common early symptom of breast cancer is feeling a lump or lump in the breast. If the lump can be easily felt in the chest, the cancerous tissue has already grown significantly. Self-examination is best done 2 to 7 days following your monthly period ends, that is, when your breasts are at their softest. If you are a post-menopausal woman, you can set a specific date each month.

The first step in self-examination for breast cancer is to examine your breasts in front of a mirror. ▲You can check whether both sides of the breast are the same size, ▲if there are any indentations, and ▲if there is nipple discharge. If there is cancerous tissue, the shape or outline of the breasts will be different from usual. Check each position with both arms down, with both hands clasped behind the head, and with both hands on the waist and shoulders and elbows forward.

Then, sit or stand and touch it yourself. Use the hand opposite the side of the breast being examined to check for lumps or lumps by drawing a circle from the outside of the breast to the inside. When you touch the lump with your hand, if it is ▲ painless ▲ hard, ▲ bumpy, and ▲ does not move well, you may suspect cancer. Also, if bloody discharge comes out when gently squeezing the nipple, there is a possibility that it is cancer.

◇Women over 40 years of age should be examined at a hospital every year
The Korean Breast Cancer Society recommends that women over the age of 30 perform a breast self-examination every month. After the age of 35, women should undergo mammography or high-resolution ultrasound every two years, and women over the age of 40 should undergo mammography or high-resolution ultrasound once a year.

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, surgery may be performed to partially or completely remove the breast, depending on the size of the cancer. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and anti-hormonal therapy are also performed to prevent local recurrence at the surgical site. If a total mastectomy has been performed, breast reconstruction surgery may also be performed.

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