Breast cancer: 1 in 2 women take part in screening – Headlines

2023-06-13 14:38:16

June 13, 2023

While the organized breast cancer screening program invites women aged 50 to 74 to have a mammogram every two years, Public Health France reveals that – over the period 2021-2022 – only 1 in 2 women have participated.

« With nearly 60,000 new cases and 12,000 deaths per year, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in France and the leading cause of cancer death. “, indicates Public Health France. Recalling at the same time that ” the national breast cancer screening program invites every two years women aged 50 to 74 to undergo a screening mammogram, supplemented by a clinical breast examination (observation and palpation). »

So much for the theory. Because in fact, the latest figures published show a participation rate of only 47.7% over the period 2021-2022. In detail, during the year 2022, 44.9% of the women concerned actually had a mammogram (compared to 50.6% in 2021). ” However, by participating in organized screening, this makes it possible to detect a possible anomaly or cancer at an early stage and thus increase the chances of recovery. “, adds Public Health France.

So how can this decline be explained? For the health authorities, participation was directly impacted by Covid-19 and the various confinements. And for Public Health France, “ it will probably take a few years for the consequences of the disruptions due to Covid-19 to subside, while the gradual decline in the offer in senology (medical specialty devoted to breast pathologies, editor’s note) already involved lengthening the time between two screenings. »

To note : Over the period 2021-2022, participation at regional level varies from 21.2% in Guyana to 55.3% in Pays de la Loire, the region with the highest rate. Very low participation is observed in Ile-de-France, in the South-East and in Corsica.

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