Breakthrough Discovery: A New Hope for Tinnitus Treatment

2023-12-26 17:31:00

Tinnitus disrupts the daily lives of 10% of the population. The cause is unknown in almost 40% of cases, so no treatment is available; we must learn to tolerate them. The recent discovery by a team of American researchers seems to put an end to this unexplained tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a ringing or whistling sound that is perceived by the person suffering from it, but which does not come from outside. They can affect one or both ears. If it is recent and lasts several hours a day, it is acute tinnitus. We speak of chronic tinnitus when it persists for more than three months. Disabling, tinnitus leads to difficulty falling asleep, problems concentrating, and even anxiety disorders and depression.

A compensation mechanism

In the majority of cases, they are due to a dysfunction of the hearing system or damage to its nerve fibers. “Thus, tinnitus is associated with hearing loss in approximately 80% of cases,” specifies Inserm. Age-related hearing loss, exposure to noise and noise trauma are the main risk factors.

To compensate for this hearing loss, mechanisms are then put in place by the brain. “Abnormal activities generated along the auditory pathway can then be interpreted as sounds by the central nervous system, without external acoustic stimulation. These signals are perceived as unpleasant, even unbearable noises: this is tinnitus,” explains Inserm.

Damage to the auditory nerve causing cerebral hyperactivity

But then how, in this case, can we explain tinnitus in people without any hearing problems? This is the question asked by a team of researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear, whose work was published on November 30 on the journal’s website. Nature. This team was able to highlight damage to the auditory nerve not detected by standard tests.

Could this damage then be the cause of tinnitus? The researchers studied a cohort of patients with tinnitus without hearing problems. In these people, just as in hearing-impaired people suffering from tinnitus, hyperactivity in the brainstem has also been observed. “Our work shows that tinnitus can be due to damage to the auditory nerve,” summarizes Professor Stéphane Maison, director of the team. Next step ? Being able to repair the damaged nerve using drugs that mimic the effect of neurotrophins, capable of regenerating the cells of the hearing system.

Learn to live with tinnitus

Currently, treatment for tinnitus depends on the cause. If a cause is diagnosed, it is treated which can make the tinnitus disappear or at least reduce. It might be an ear infection, an earwax blockage, an anomaly in a neck vein, etc. But in nearly 40% of cases, tinnitus is idiopathic, the cause is unknown. No treatment exists to treat them directly.

The aim will then be to help the patient live with their tinnitus. “Behavioral and cognitive therapy implemented by a psychiatrist or psychologist helps the patient live better with their tinnitus by modifying their reactions and interpretations towards it,” explains Wearing a noise generator for a period of approximately 18 months can be beneficial. “It is a small device resembling a prosthesis and producing a soft background noise, which masks tinnitus and also allows you to get “habituated” to tinnitus, thus relieving daily discomfort,” continues the Social Security website. Against the anxiety and depression generated in certain patients, drug treatment is sometimes indicated.

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