Breaking the Vicious Circle: Understanding and Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

2023-06-09 07:57:32

Washing your hands a hundred times a day, cleaning the apartment for hours or constantly checking whether the apartment door is closed: obsessive-compulsive disorders make life hell for those affected and their families. Breaking the vicious circle is difficult, but possible. Tama Vakeesan guides through the show.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – When irrational thoughts rule reality
Maëva is 19 years old and is constantly afraid that if she touches objects that she perceives as dirty, she will catch diseases. She has been suffering from this obsessive-compulsive disorder for six years. “Puls” gives her an insight into her everyday life, which is determined by compulsions.

Cognitive behavioral therapy – recovery through confrontation
The earlier an obsessive-compulsive disorder is treated, the greater the chances of success. In cognitive-behavioural therapy, the affected person has to face the anxiety-provoking moments under supervision without performing a control action afterwards, such as washing their hands. In this way, self-control can be regained step by step.

Deep brain stimulation – electrodes in the brain as a last option
If psychotherapy and medication show no effect against an obsessive-compulsive disorder, an intervention in the brain remains as the last therapy option. In deep brain stimulation, which is already being used successfully in Parkinson’s disease, the finest electrodes are implanted in a specific area of ​​the brain. Regular electrical impulses can then reduce pathological activities in the brain region and bring them back to a normal state. However, there is no guarantee of success.

“Pulse” chat – questions and answers on the subject of “obsessive-compulsive disorders”
How do you recognize obsessive-compulsive disorder? How can a loved one with obsessive-compulsive disorder be helped? Can the problem go away without therapy? The expert group has advice on Monday from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. – live in chat. Questions can be submitted in advance.

Broadcast: Monday, June 12, 2023, 9:05 p.m., SRF 1

#Pulse #obsessivecompulsive #disorders #grip #pathological #rituals #media #portal

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