Breaking the Stunting Cycle: Indonesia’s Revolutionary Free Meal Initiative

Hashim Djojohadikusumo at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry event. (MI/Naufal Zuhdi)

The Advisory Board of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said that the Free Nutritious Meal (MBG) program which was President-elect Prabowo Subianto‘s flagship program came from the anxiety felt by Prabowo directly.

“I also testify that the idea of ​​free food is not a new idea. This is not from the sky for the 2024 campaign, the idea for free food was born in 2006, July 2006,” said Hashim at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s office, Jakarta, Monday (7/10).

Furthermore, Hashim also looked at the background to the birth of the MBG program which became Prabowo’s flagship program. Starting in 2006, Prabowo explained to Hashim that it was based on data stunting issued by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) at that time was very scary.

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“(The data) really makes Pak Prabowo worried. There is data that 30% of children in Indonesia under the age of 5 suffer from this condition. stunting,” said Hashim.

Prabowo, continued Hashim, at that time said that if the numbers stunting which at that time was at 30% affecting Indonesian children under the age of 5 years when they entered the workforce intelligence quotient (IQ) of them will only be at 70.

The MBG program, continued Hashim, is also Prabowo’s obsession with providing free food to all children in Indonesia and also to pregnant mothers in Indonesia with a total of more than 82 million people in Indonesia who will be able to enjoy the MBG program. (J-3)

#Hashim #Reveals #Free #Nutritious #Meal #Program #Started #Prabowos #Anxiety #Stunting
Analyzing the ‌Free Nutritious Meal ⁢Program: A Step in the Right Direction

As a renowned blog news writer, I recently‍ had the opportunity to read⁤ an article about⁤ the Free Nutritious ‍Meal Program initiated by the​ Indonesian government, and I must say, I am impressed‍ by the forward-thinking approach of⁣ the country’s leadership. The program, which was revealed to have started from Prabowo’s anxiety about⁢ stunting,⁤ is a commendable effort to address the pressing issue⁤ of⁣ malnutrition and stunted growth among children ‍in Indonesia.

According to⁢ the‍ article, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, a key figure​ in the Indonesian government, revealed that⁣ the program was born out ‌of Prabowo’s concern about the alarming ⁣rates of stunting in the ⁣country. This concern is ‍well-founded,‍ as stunting ‍is ⁣a serious issue that ⁣affects not only​ the health and well-being of children but also their cognitive development and future prospects.

The Free Nutritious ⁢Meal Program⁤ is ⁢a ​much-needed initiative that aims to provide nutritious meals to ​children, particularly​ those from disadvantaged backgrounds. By doing so, the‍ program seeks to address the root causes of stunting and⁢ promote healthy growth and⁢ development among children. This is a crucial step in ensuring that Indonesia’s future ‌generation is equipped with the necessary physical and cognitive abilities⁣ to succeed in life.

What I find particularly interesting about this program is that ⁣it was initiated by a politician who is willing‍ to take bold‍ action to address a pressing social issue. ⁤Prabowo’s anxiety about stunting is a testament to‍ his commitment to improving the lives of Indonesian citizens, ⁤particularly the most vulnerable members of society.

In light of this, I would⁢ like⁣ to draw⁤ attention⁤ to the importance of social programs like the Free Nutritious Meal ⁢Program. These ‍programs not only improve⁤ the health and well-being of ⁣individuals​ but also‍ have a positive impact on the broader society.⁤ By investing in the health and education ‌of its citizens, a country can reap long-term benefits, including increased productivity, ⁢improved economic growth, and a more stable and secure society.

the Free ‌Nutritious Meal ‍Program is a commendable initiative​ that highlights the Indonesian government’s commitment to addressing ‍pressing ‍social issues. As ‌a⁢ blog news writer, I applaud Prabowo’s leadership and vision in initiating this program, and I hope ⁢that it will serve as a model for other countries to follow.

For ⁤more information ‌on this topic, readers‌ can refer to reputable news​ sources such as​ Newsweek [[1]], PBS⁤ NewsHour [[2]], and NPR [[3]], which provide in-depth⁤ analysis and⁣ coverage of national⁢ and international​ news, including health and social ⁤issues.







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