Breaking the Echo Chamber: The EU’s Quest to Regulate the Power of Social Media

By mid-November, the European Commission awaits responses from SnapChat, TikTok and YouTube in relation to their algorithms. How do they work, what content do they recommend and how much is known about how they work?

What happens to the Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube algorithms?

In another direct move related to social media, the European Commission tightens on 3 of the main social media in use at the moment. In fact, by November 15th, all three channels they will have to report to the Commission by responding to their requests and clarifying their functioning.

TikTokin particular, is invited to clarify its measures against manipulation. The micro-video channel has often been used in a manipulative way to disseminate opinions, political and electoral opinions. You will therefore have to clarify what they are measures that are being implemented to put an end to this phenomenon.

SnapChat e YouTube instead they receive similar requests, more related to the algorithm in and of itself. We always talk about political content, linked to elections, but also about promotion of negative habitssuch as drug use. Also a source of concern is the appearance of content from I hate bigots: sexual, ethnic, orientation.

The expected declarations must therefore concern this content, with the aim of protecting young people and limiting the spread of violent and cruel content.


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Unfortunately, I was unable to find the text of ⁢the news article you’d like me to⁣ analyze⁤ based on the provided information. The provided image is a fragment of an⁣ HTML‍ code that shows an image,⁤ but does not include the​ article itself.

However, based on the web search results provided,⁤ I can offer some general⁣ insights on​ how to approach ‌analyzing‌ a news article.

As a famous blog news writer, when analyzing a news‌ article, I would⁤ first‍ identify the main topic or issue being discussed. I would then research ⁤the topic to gain ​a deeper understanding of the context ‍and any relevant⁤ background information.

Next, I would analyze the article’s ⁣content, looking for key points, arguments, and evidence presented. I ⁣would also⁤ examine ​the⁣ language and tone used by the author‌ to understand ⁤their perspective and potential biases.

In addition, I would consider‌ multiple sources and ⁢viewpoints ⁣on the⁤ topic to ‍gain ⁣a more well-rounded understanding of the issue. This ⁣might involve consulting ​reputable news sources, such as U.S. News & World Report [[1]], NPR⁢ [[2]], or CNN [[3]], to see how they are ‌covering‍ the same story.

Once I have gathered and analyzed the ⁢information, I would use my ​own critical thinking and expertise to form an opinion ‍or conclusion about the article. I would then ⁢present my analysis in a ⁣clear ​and concise manner, using evidence from the article and other sources to⁢ support my argument.

Unfortunately, without the text of ⁣the article, I am unable⁢ to ‍provide a specific analysis. ‌If⁤ you could provide the⁢ text of the article, I would‍ be happy ⁤to offer a more detailed analysis.



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