Breaking the Chains of Conflict: A Plea for Peaceful Solutions

The area around the 9/11 Memorial in the heart of New York’s financial district was filled with people carrying bouquets of flowers and wearing pins with photographs of their deceased loved ones on their clothes, also accompanied by a small blue ribbon in solidarity with the victims.

Although more than two decades have passed since the most serious attack in the history of the United States, all those present remembered that day clearly. Many said with regret that They will never feel compensated because there is nothing that can remedy the absence of their relatives.

“No matter what happens, (the victims) still We feel cheated, and nothing is going to change that.. It is good that the people behind the attacks are in prison, but we are talking about a great tragedy and a great loss, and that can never be repaired,” he told EFE Lisa Méndez, who was wearing a T-shirt with the face of her cousin, Edward Calderón, a victim in the attack.

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Likewise, Rosa Paris, who lost her only son, told the press that Nothing can compensate for the suffering of all these years and the absence of his family.

Ram Saren, whose daughter died, said with a broken voice that The passing of the years does not make everything easier“That day is engraved in my heart,” she said through tears.

However, there were also those present who claimed feel at peace and have forgiven the attackersas is the case of Karol Trinidad, who despite having lost her brother Michael said she feels “at peace with everyone.”

“I don’t blame anyone, everyone has their own mentality. I just know that (the victims) They are in a better place than the one we are in,” he said with a faint smile.

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Anniversary in the middle of the election campaign

This 2024, the anniversary of 9/11 took place just two months before the presidential election and just hours after the Two candidates for the White HouseDonald Trump and Kamala Harris were the protagonists of a heated televised debate. Both candidates were present at the official commemoration.

Harris y Trump They shook hands during the ceremony, under the gaze of outgoing US President Joe Biden.

Elvin García, a firefighter of Ecuadorian origin who worked in the operations to try to rescue victims from the ruins after the attack, remembered very well how, at first, he was convinced that he would rescue living people from the rubble, although he finally assumed that what he would find there would only be corpses.

After having seen what happened firsthand, García asked the next president of the United States to take care of the relatives, either with psychological or financial helpas many of the victims were the sole providers of income for their families.

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For his part, Trinidad asked the candidates to put your feet on the ground“We need peace on this planet. We need to stop all these wars that are being carried out in a petty manner,” he said.

In the tribute, as every year since the attack, the families They pronounced the names of all the people who lost their lives and placed flowers and American flags on the names carved into the two large ditches that now replace the Twin Towers where they once stood.

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the 2001 attack in the United States, but also of the coup d’état in Chile in 1973; and of the victims of the helicopter accident in El Salvador, including the head of the Police, Mauricio Arriaza.

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#stop #wars #carried #meanspirited

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”Remembering 9/11: A Day of Reflection⁢ and Commemoration”**:

Remembering ⁢9/11:‌ A Day ​of Reflection and Commemoration

Twenty-three years have⁤ passed since ⁣the devastating 9/11 attacks that shook the ⁢United ‍States, ‍claiming the⁣ lives of nearly 3,000 ⁤people⁤ [[2]].⁤ On⁢ September‍ 11, 2024, the 9/11 ⁣Memorial ‍in New York​ City’s financial district was filled with people paying their respects to the victims, ⁣wearing pins with photographs of ‍their loved ones and carrying bouquets of flowers [[1]].

A Day of Reflection and Pain

Many of those present remembered the fateful day ⁤vividly, still feeling the pain and anguish of their loss. Lisa Méndez,⁢ who​ lost her cousin in the attack, expressed that no matter what happens, the‍ victims’ ⁤families will never feel compensated for their loss. “It’s good that the people behind the attacks are in ⁤prison, but we’re‍ talking about a great tragedy and a great loss, ⁣and​ that ‌can never be repaired,” she said [[1]].

Others, like⁤ Rosa Paris, who lost her ​only ​son, shared similar sentiments, saying that nothing can compensate ‍for the​ suffering of all these years and the absence of ​their loved ones ⁤ [[1]]. ‍Ram Saren, whose daughter died‍ in the attack, tearfully‍ shared that the passing of years does not make everything easier, and‍ that ‍the day is still engraved‌ in her heart [[1]].

Forgiveness and Peace

However, there were also those who have found ‍a sense ⁢of peace and forgiveness. Karol Trinidad, who lost her brother Michael,‍ said she feels at peace with‍ everyone, believing ​that the victims are in a better place than the one they are in now‌ [[1]].

Anniversary in the Midst of‌ an Election Campaign

This year’s‌ anniversary took place just two months before the ‍presidential election, ​with candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris⁣ attending the official commemoration. The two candidates shook hands during the ceremony, under the gaze of outgoing ⁢US President Joe Biden [[1]].

Calls for Peace and Support

Elvin García, a firefighter who worked in⁢ the rescue operations after the ⁣attack, ⁤urged⁤ the next‍ president of the United States⁢ to take care of the relatives ‍of ‍the victims, providing them with psychological or financial help as many of the victims were the sole providers of income for their families [[1]]. ⁤Karol Trinidad also called on the candidates to put ‍their feet on the ground⁢ and⁣ work towards ​peace on ⁣this planet, stopping⁣ the petty wars ⁢that‌ are being⁣ carried out [[1]].

Tribute and⁢ Commemoration

As ‌every ⁢year since the attack, the families pronounced the ⁢names of all ​the people who lost their lives and placed flowers and American flags on the names carved into ​the two large ditches that now replace ​the Twin Towers [[1]]. The⁢ Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS)⁣ observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the⁤ 2001 attack in the United States, as well‌ as those⁣ affected ⁢by the coup⁣ d’état in Chile ⁢in 1973 and other victims [[1]].

the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks served as a poignant ⁣reminder ‍of‍ the tragedy and loss⁢ that occurred on that ​fateful​ day. While the pain and anguish still linger, many have found solace in forgiveness‌ and ⁣peace. As the United States moves forward, it is‍ essential to remember the victims and their families,⁣ providing them‍ with the support and care they need.


[1] ‍



Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Remembering 9/11: A Day of Reflection and Commemoration**:

Remembering 9/11: A Day of Reflection and Commemoration

September 11, 2001, is a day that will be etched in the memories of Americans and people around the world for generations to come. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives, leaving behind a trail of grief, pain, and suffering.

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum, located at the World Trade Center site, is a poignant tribute to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. The memorial features two massive reflecting pools, with the names of all those who lost their lives etched into the edges. The museum tells the story of that fateful day through artifacts, videos, and personal stories.

Twenty-three years have passed since the attacks, but the pain and sorrow still linger for many families. On the anniversary of 9/11, relatives and friends of the victims gather at the memorial to pay their respects and remember their loved ones. Many wear pins with photographs of their loved ones on their clothes, accompanied by a small blue ribbon in solidarity with the victims [[1]].

For the families of the victims, the anniversary of 9/11 is a day of reflection and commemoration. They come together to remember and honor their loved ones, sharing stories and memories of those who were lost. While time may have healed some wounds, the pain of losing a loved one in such a tragic and senseless act of terrorism can never be fully compensated [[1]].

Despite the passage of time, the emotions still run deep. Ram Saren, whose daughter died in the attacks, said with a broken voice, “The passing of the years does not make everything easier. That day is engraved in my heart.” [[1]]However, there are also those who have found a sense of peace and forgiveness. Karol Trinidad, who lost her brother Michael, said she feels “at peace with everyone” and believes that her brother is in a better place [[1]].

The anniversary of 9/11 took place just two months before the presidential election in 2024, and just hours after a heated televised debate between the two candidates for the White House, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Both candidates were present at the official commemoration, where they shook hands under the gaze of outgoing US President Joe Biden [[1]].

Elvin García, a firefighter of Ecuadorian origin who worked in the operations to try to rescue victims from the ruins after the attack, remembered the day vividly. He asked the next president of the United States to take care of the relatives, either with psychological or financial help, as many of the victims were the sole providers of income for their families [[1]].

Trinidad asked the candidates to “put your feet on the ground” and work towards achieving peace on earth, stopping all wars that are being carried out in a petty manner [[1]]. The tribute, as every year since the attack, saw families pronouncing the names of all the people who lost their lives and placing flowers and American flags on the names carved into the two large ditches that now replace the Twin Towers [[1]].

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of terrorism and the importance of promoting peace, understanding, and tolerance in the world. As we remember the victims of 9/11, we must also strive to create a world where such



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