Breaking Taboos One Diaper at a Time

Published on Oct 7, 2024 at 9:30 p.m., updated on Oct 7, 2024 at 7:31 p.m.

A baby’s first days are often trying and chaotic for parents. Victoria Mehault and Loren lived difficult first nights, because their little boy named Lio had severe stomach pains. After an appointment with the osteopath, the young mother gave some news: “I slept from 1am to 7:30am, it’s incredible! I have the impression of having slept 24 hours since I gave birth I only sleep 2 hours a night, and not even 2 hours in a row (…) Then I got up, I did everything that there was to be done, the apartment is perfect… Honestly, I’m having a blast! Some people will tell me in messages that it won’t last, it’s the hormones… I don’t give a damn! Let me enjoy!“Today, Victoria speaks out again and puts several Internet users back in place after criticism regarding her postpartum body. We tell you everything.

Des contractions post-partum

After giving birth to her first child, Victoria Mehault gave some news, rather in bad shape: “Why did no one warn me that we had contractions after giving birth? I was changing Lio and it hurt so much that I thought I was going to faint, for at least 30 minutes. It hurt as bad as a contraction during labor you say. When you think it’s over, well no!” However, the young mother is overjoyed and is flourishing in this new role, the most beautiful of her life. But that doesn’t stop the haters from letting loose in the comments, and throwing often violent criticism. Victoria’s latest diaper video makes you react.

© Instagram / @victoria_mehault

Victoria Mehault, “You really have to have confidence in yourself”

Lately, Victoria Mehault posted a video of her in the maternity ward, after the birth of her son, in diaper cuddling him. Which made a lot of Internet users react. One woman wrote: “The damage to the body… That’s why I got my tubes tied.“Which greatly shocked the young mother. She retorted: “Thank God, a moron like you won’t be able to reproduce!“She continues:”Between those and those who are outraged by the fact that I am in diapers! Really, you have to have confidence in yourself to make such remarks.“And you, what do you think?



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