Humanity’s lunar exploration project, which resumed following 50 years, has been postponed. According to foreign media such as The Guardian, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) postponed the launch schedule of ‘Artemis 1’, which was scheduled to be launched at 8:33 am (9:33 pm Korean time) on the 29th.
An abnormality was found in one of the four engines mounted on the rocket. “We didn’t get the exact temperature we wanted while adjusting the engine conditions for launch,” said Derol tomorrow, NASA’s launch control communications officer. The possibility of fuel leakage is being discussed as the cause of engine failure.
The next launch is likely on the 2nd of next month. NASA had chosen the 2nd of next month as the next launch date in preparation for the delay of the launch. NASA is pursuing the ‘Artemis Program’, which aims to land humans on the moon. The rocket launch was part of the first phase of the project.
At the time of launch, Artemis 1 is scheduled to enter lunar orbit with a manned capsule ‘Orion’. Orion has been equipped with 3 mannequins equipped with 5600 sensors and 34 radiation detectors to ensure that the lunar exploration process is safe. Mannequins are made of materials similar to human bones, organs, and soft tissues.
NASA plans to land the world’s first female astronauts on the moon’s Antarctica in the third stage in 2025, following conducting a manned flight in the second stage in 2024.
Reporter Lee Joo-hyun [email protected]