Breaking News: Ukrainian Counter-Offensive Confirmed by British Intelligence, Russian Attack on Patriot System Intercepted

2023-05-13 10:03:31

On the 444th day of war, while Ukrainian President Zelensky is on an official visit to Rome in order, in particular, to meet the Pope and the Italian Prime Minister Meloni, British intelligence confirm what Ukraine has been saying for four days: a Ukrainian counter-offensive around the city of Bakhmout. According to the UK Ministry of Defence, “elements of the 72nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade probably withdrew in a disorderly fashion from the southern flank of the Bakhmout operation“.

British intelligence also indicates that this 72nd Brigade has a rather bad reputation. “She has a reputation for low morale and limited combat effectiveness.“. To have placed this regiment in such a strategic location reveals “a severe shortage of credible combat units“Russian side.

Always in the field, according to our colleagues from CNN, who cite two official sources, Russia allegedly attempted to destroy a Patriot anti-missile system last week. The attack did not work since the Patriot system precisely intercepted the missile which was supposed to destroy it. CNN specifies that this is the first interception carried out by this system, only one week following its delivery.

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