Breaking News: Saudi Anti-Corruption Committee ‘Nasaha’ Joins Forces with Interpol to Combat Global Corruption

2023-09-09 19:12:26

Dammam: Saudi anti-corruption committee ‘Nasaha’ joins hands with Interpol. Both the authorities will strengthen cooperation to bring to justice the culprits who commit corruption and sink abroad and recover funds and assets related to the cases.

Saudi Anti-Corruption Authority or Nasaha President Masin bin Ibrahim Al-Khamoos visited Interpol headquarters in France and reached an agreement for mutual cooperation. Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock and other senior leaders attended the meeting. Inu organizations also collaborate to prevent corruption and cross-border crime.

Challenges in combating corruption crimes, cooperation with international organizations from within regional and international frameworks and agreements were discussed in the mutual meeting. Cooperation in tracking down criminals related to corruption cases. The two organizations will ensure cooperation in recovery of funds and assets smuggled abroad in cases of corruption, bringing the accused to justice and taking legal action. Last day, the international conference held in Vienna presented a resolution in praise of Nasaha’s activities.

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