2023-06-06 17:26:15
Al-Marsad Newspaper: Major General of the National Guard, Hamad bin Muhammad Abu Himed, died yesterday, Monday, following suffering a sudden heart attack.
A number of ministry employees and friends of the late mourned, praying to God for mercy and forgiveness for him.
“We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return”
O you reassured soul () return to your Lord satisfied and well-pleasing () so enter among My servants () and enter My Paradise ()
With hearts that believe in God’s will and destiny, dear brother, he moved to God’s mercy #Major_General_Hamad_Mohamed_AbuHamid. pic.twitter.com/Rw9UZuvtFp
– Rashid Al Quneir (@ rashed2k) June 6, 2023
#death #Major #General #National #Guard #Hamad #Abu #Himed #AlMarsad #Newspaper