Breaking News: Latest Updates on Silvina Luna’s Health from the Italian Hospital

2023-07-11 20:19:50
The latest health news from Silvina Luna

Silvina Luna has been admitted to intensive care at the Italian Hospital since June 13. Her general picture is still critical, although in the last few hours she has shown some slight improvements. This Tuesday, in the cycle Nosotros a la mañana (El Trece) they gave the latest news on her current state of health.

“There is no medical part that they have disseminated regarding the health of Silvina Luna. The family receives the medical report but sometimes they decide to spread it and sometimes not,” said journalist Santiago Zeyen on a cell phone from the hospital door. It should be noted that from the beginning, the environment of Rosario was handled in deep secrecy and only three medical reports were made known to the public.

“What we know is that Silvina Luna had a slight improvement, that she is extubated, she is a little better beyond the fact that the condition is still difficult, she is still on the fourth floor in the intensive care unit of the Italian Hospital. She continues to eat and with the dialysis sessions, so within the panorama, there is a slight improvement, there is hope that she will soon get ahead ”, she closed.

It should be remembered that last Friday, Ángel de Brito had been in charge of communicating a hopeful message about the model’s health picture. “I have good news from Silvina Luna. Her picture continues to be critical, everyone knows that she is still serious in the intensive care unit, but there are certain improvements in her state of mind and physique as well, ”the driver of LAM began by saying, a program that is broadcast every night for America.

“He is eating and he has already grabbed his cell phone. Don’t send her messages because she doesn’t have WhatsApp, or the networks, or anything. She uses her cell phone to meditate, she listens to them, ”said the journalist about how she is managing Silvina’s hospitalization, accompanied by her brother Ezequiel and some of her close friends.

Ángel de Brito gave details of Silvina Luna’s health

“He is on dialysis for 6 to 8 hours, which is quite a heavy load. For example, yesterday (by Thursday) they did 8 hours of dialysis. She lies down for a long time and that causes her a lot of pain, but she continues to breathe on her own without the respirator as she was connected before, ”de Brito clarified about the treatment that she continues to receive while she recovers and is waiting for a kidney transplant.

For his part, the driver of America expressed the signs that showed the improvement in the former Big Brother participant. “Her friends tell me that she is already giving orders, that she has become more Silvina Luna again, and that she has already begun to make some jokes and improve her mood, despite the fact that her picture continues to be complicated. All this I count as a slight improvement. I know that a lot of people want to hear news about her,” the journalist acknowledged.

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Finally, De Brito concluded: “The outlook is brave because the first thing they have to do is remove the bacteria. It is a treatment that takes a year and he still has 10 months to go, to get rid of the bacteria and to undergo dialysis, until he reaches the transplant. But these are some encouraging things within the Silvina team. We send a big kiss to her and to all of her friends of hers”.

Last Thursday, Luna’s family released the third medical report on her state of health. “The patient Silvina Luna continues to be admitted to the Intensive Care service. She is lucid, without mechanical ventilatory assistance, with stable vital signs and her evolution is favorable, ”said the report that was published on the Instagram stories of lawyer Fernando Burlando.

“She will remain hospitalized in this same service, where she will be provided with the necessary care and treatment,” concluded the report, which, as in the past medical report, Burlando’s post included a message from Silvina’s environment that thanked the public for their love. , faith and prayers.

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