Breaking News: International Drug Smuggling Network Foiled in Beirut – Massive Seizure of 450,000 Captagon Pills

2023-06-27 07:26:01

The General Directorate of the Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division announced that “the Information Division has reached confirmed data that an international drug smuggling network is preparing to smuggle a large amount of Captagon pills to Kinshasa, through the port of Beirut, in preparation for re-exporting them to one of the Arab Gulf countries.” .

And she explained in a statement, “As a result of extensive investigations and investigations, the division determined the shipping company that is dealt with to export the shipment, and therefore the location of a warehouse belonging to the aforementioned company was located in the “Al-Kokodi” locality, where the location of the shipment intended for smuggling was located; and orders were given to work on monitoring the warehouse. raid and seize drugs.

The Directorate revealed that “on 6-19-2023, and following a careful monitoring process, the division’s special force was able to raid the warehouse and seize the shipment, which consists of three lifting motors that operate on electricity (winch motors), noting that” by inspecting them, what was seized Approximately 450,000 Captagon pills are professionally packed.

And she stated, “The legal requirement was carried out with the seized drugs, and work is continuing to arrest the members of the smuggling network and all those involved with them.”

#warehouse #AlKokoudi #raided #Captagon #pills #intended #smuggling #seized



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