Breaking News Decision to maintain party constitution in case of indictment of non-captain of the Democratic Party

Park Hong-geun, floor leader of the Minjoo Party, speaks at a meeting of the Emergency Response Committee held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 17th. photo = news 1

In addition, the Democratic Party of Korea has decided to maintain the party constitution of ‘suspending the party upon indictment’.

The Democratic Party’s Emergency Response Committee held a meeting on the morning of the 17th and concluded that Article 80, Paragraph 1 of the Party Constitution was maintained as it is, Spokesperson Shin Hyun-young said in a briefing.

The regulations stipulate that ‘the duties of an officer charged with violating corruption-related laws may be suspended at the same time as the prosecution’.

Previously, the Democratic National Convention Preparatory Committee decided to amend this to ‘suspend his duties if he is convicted of a crime of imprisonment or higher in a lower court’.

As a result, opposition from non-Lee Jae-myung groups within the party poured out over whether it was ‘Lee Jae-myung bulletproof use’, and it emerged as a detonator of factional conflict.

It is evaluated that the non-captain did not accept the revision of the party constitution in order to block factional conflicts.

Oh Se-seong, reporter at



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