Breaking Free from Contracts: Embracing a Fresh Outlook

No sign of relaxation in the 5 Star Movement. Nerves are more tense than tense. If yesterday sources close to Beppe Grillo revealed that a party founder was “annoyed” by a private letter received in the previous days by the current leader of the yellows, today that same letter was circulated. Your statements “are completely incompatible with the obligations you specifically assumed towards the Movement with reference to both the surety and the advertising and communication contracts: this obliges me to evaluate possible initiatives aimed at suspending the execution of the services charged to the Movement deriving from the surety, and the withdrawal from the advertising and communication contracts”. This is what we read in the words, anticipated by Corriere della Sera, that Giuseppe Conte, party leader, sent to Beppe Grillo. A letter that irritated, and not a little, the guarantor and founder of the M5S.

Sources close to Grillo reveal: Conte wants to kick me out of the M5S, bordering on blackmail

The former Prime Minister, regarding the note published by Grillo on September 5, highlighted what, in his opinion, are “serious inaccuracies and obvious distortions” on the role and powers of the guarantor: “The protection of the fundamental values ​​of the political action of the movement and the power of authentic, non-questionable interpretation of the statutory provisions (I do not want to discuss here the legitimacy and the concrete legal relevance of such a high-sounding provision), are resolved in moral suasion, but certainly do not extend to the exercise of a supposed right of veto or even to the inhibition of assembly consultation on one or more issues of the life of the Movement”, Conte made clear.

Grillo plays the victim, but he sent a warning: the M5S launches a torpedo against the founder

And he reminded the Elevated that “no statutory provision is exempt from possible modifications and/or revisions by the assembly; the Charter of principles and values ​​itself is abstractly modifiable” just as “the possibility of modifying the symbol is provided for by the statute”. “As for the name”, Conte remarked, “there are no specific provisions that prevent its modification, thus subjecting such an eventuality to the ordinary rules of statutory revision”. Furthermore, the rule of the limit of the double mandate “is contained in the Code of Ethics (in itself exempt from your power of authentic interpretation), which can also be modified via online consultation”. Therefore, according to Conte, “no preclusion can be imposed on the deliberative power of the assembly on any of the issues mentioned above”. Finally – continues the leader of the M5S – “your repeated public statements are accrediting in the eyes of public opinion a ‘dominical’ conception of the Movement”. A conduct that, according to the M5S leader, “risks tarnishing the energy and enthusiasm that this constituent process is releasing”.

#suspend #contracts #Tempo
2024-09-17 00:20:33

What is the cause of the ‍conflict ⁤between Giuseppe Conte‌ and Beppe Grillo in the 5 Star Movement?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic ⁢of the conflict between Giuseppe Conte and Beppe Grillo within the 5 Star Movement:

Title: Conte vs Grillo: ⁢The Power Struggle Within the 5 Star Movement ⁢Intensifies

Meta Description: Tensions rise within the 5 Star Movement as party leader Giuseppe Conte and founder Beppe Grillo engage​ in a bitter dispute over party rules⁣ and powers.

Header Tags:

H1: Conte vs⁣ Grillo: The Power ​Struggle Within the ⁤5 Star Movement Intensifies

​ H2: A Letter That Spells Trouble for Grillo

​H2: Conte’s Response: A ⁢Rebuttal of ⁣Grillo’s Claims

​ H2: The Background of the Dispute: A Struggle for Party Control


The 5​ Star ⁣Movement, a leading political party in Italy, is experiencing a period of intense internal turmoil. The party’s leader, Giuseppe Conte, and ⁣its founder, Beppe Grillo, are⁤ locked in a bitter dispute over party rules​ and ​powers. The‍ conflict ⁣has been simmering for some time, but ‍recent events have brought it to a head.

A Letter That Spells Trouble for Grillo

At the heart of the dispute is a private letter sent by Conte to ‍Grillo, in which Conte expresses his dissatisfaction with Grillo’s interpretation of the ​party’s rules and powers. The ⁣letter, which⁣ has been leaked to the press, accuses⁤ Grillo of overstepping his authority ⁢and attempting to limit the power of⁤ the party’s assembly.

Conte’s Response:⁤ A Rebuttal of Grillo’s Claims

In his letter, Conte ⁣responds to Grillo’s claims that he has the power to veto certain decisions made by⁢ the party’s assembly. Conte argues⁣ that this ⁤is not the case, and that Grillo’s interpretation‌ of ​the party’s rules is flawed. Conte also reminds Grillo​ that ‌the party’s charter and values can be ‌modified by the assembly, and that Grillo’s⁣ attempts to⁣ limit ‍the assembly’s power are unconstitutional.

The ‌Background of the Dispute:‍ A Struggle for⁣ Party​ Control

The dispute⁣ between Conte and Grillo is not just about party rules and powers ⁢- it is also about control of ⁣the party itself. Grillo, who founded⁢ the 5 Star Movement in 2009,‌ has long been seen as⁣ the ‌party’s dominant figure. However, since Conte⁣ became party leader, he has sought to assert his ‌own authority and‌ challenge Grillo’s influence.

The stakes are​ high, with the future of the party hanging ‍in the‍ balance. If Conte emerges victorious, it could ​signal a significant shift in the ⁣party’s direction and leadership.‌ If ⁤Grillo prevails, it could lead to a ‍further consolidation of his power and⁢ influence.


What are the main reasons behind the tension between Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte in the 5 Star Movement?

Tensions Rise in the 5 Star Movement as Grillo and Conte Clash

The 5 Star Movement is witnessing unprecedented tensions, with its founder Beppe Grillo and current leader Giuseppe Conte locked in a bitter dispute. The situation escalated when a private letter from Conte to Grillo was circulated, revealing deep-seated differences between the two leaders.

A Warning Shot from Conte

The letter, obtained by Corriere della Sera, shows Conte expressing deep dissatisfaction with Grillo’s recent actions. Conte states that Grillo’s statements are “completely incompatible” with the obligations he assumed towards the Movement, particularly with regard to surety and advertising and communication contracts. Conte threatens to evaluate possible initiatives aimed at suspending the execution of services charged to the Movement, as well as withdrawing from advertising and communication contracts.

Grillo’s Response: Anger and Frustration

Grillo, the guarantor and founder of the M5S, is reportedly “annoyed” by Conte’s letter, which he sees as an attack on his authority. Sources close to Grillo have revealed that he is considering taking severe measures against Conte, bordering on blackmail.

The Background: A Power Struggle

The clash between Grillo and Conte is not an isolated incident. It is part of a larger power struggle within the 5 Star Movement, which has been simmering for months. Grillo, who founded the Movement in 2009, has been increasingly critical of Conte’s leadership, accusing him of deviating from the party’s original values.

Conte’s Defense: Correcting Grillo’s “Inaccuracies”

In response to Grillo’s criticism, Conte has issued a statement, highlighting what he sees as “serious inaccuracies and obvious distortions” on Grillo’s part. Conte argues that Grillo’s notion of the guarantor’s role and powers is misguided, and that the Movement’s statutory provisions can be modified or revised by the assembly.

The Future of the 5 Star Movement

As the dispute between Grillo and Conte continues to escalate, the future of the 5 Star Movement hangs in the balance. The party, which has been a dominant force in Italian politics, is facing an existential crisis. Will Grillo and Conte be able to resolve their differences, or will the party split into rival factions?

Stay Tuned for Further Updates

As this story continues to unfold, we will provide regular updates and analysis. For now, it is clear that the 5 Star Movement is at a crossroads, and the outcome is far from certain.

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