Breaking Down Visceral Fat: A Comprehensive Guide to Combat High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Dementia, and Inflammatory Diseases

2023-07-03 01:07:44

How to properly break down visceral fat that causes high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, dementia and inflammatory diseases!

After graduating from Tokyo Medical University, Toshiro Iketani, the author of this book, devoted himself to treatment and blood pressure research at the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine at the same university hospital. As the director of Iketani Hospital, he has specialized in treating heart, blood vessel, and blood purifying mechanical pain. He was skinny during his school days, but by the time he reached his mid-30s, he had turned into a pot-bellied uncle weighing nearly 80kg. In order to restore his health and confidence, he succeeded in losing 15kg by changing his diet and lifestyle, and through sustainable light exercise, despite being busy with medical treatment, seminars, and writing activities. Even in his 50s, he is famous for his slender body and youthful appearance that maintains a body fat percentage of 10%, and is popular for explaining medical knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner to patients.

1. Knowing visceral fat

(1) What is visceral fat?

There are three types of fat. ① Subcutaneous fat is literally the fat that accumulates subcutaneously, that is, just under the skin. It serves as a cushion to protect the body from external shocks, such as maintaining body temperature and accumulating energy. ② Visceral fat is the fat that accumulates around the belly. It is this visceral fat that makes the belly protrude. Therefore, waist circumference is a criterion for diagnosing metabolic syndrome. ③ Ectopic fat is called the ‘third fat’ following subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat or visceral fat is accumulated to the point where it can no longer be accumulated, and the remaining fat is accumulated in areas where it is difficult to accumulate. It accumulates in organs such as the heart and liver, around organs, and in muscles.

(2) Do all obese people have a lot of visceral fat?

Some people have very little visceral fat even though they have gained weight, while others have quite a bit of both visceral and subcutaneous fat. In general, visceral fat-type obesity is known to appear mainly in men. However, women also have a bulging belly when visceral fat increases due to overeating and lack of exercise, and this phenomenon is especially noticeable following menopause. Asians tend to accumulate visceral fat more easily than Westerners.

(3) Visceral fat measurement method

Since visceral fat is related to the waist circumference, it can be predicted by measuring the waist circumference. ① Waist circumference of 90 cm or more for men and 85 cm or more for women ② If the BMI (weight ÷ height ÷ height) is 25 or more, it can be considered as visceral fat type obesity.

2. Ten dangers of visceral fat

(1) Visceral fat causes hyperglycemia and diabetes. (2) Visceral fat causes high blood pressure. (3) Visceral fat causes arteriosclerosis. (4) Visceral fat increases the risk of cancer. (5) Visceral fat increases the risk of developing dementia. (6) Visceral fat causes stiff shoulders and back pain. (7) Visceral fat causes excessive appetite. (8) Visceral fat causes constipation and frequent urination. (9) Visceral fat is the cause of the smell of old people and widowers. (10) Increased visceral fat increases the risk of death.

3. Meals, a little sugar restriction is enough

The three items that make up the author’s diet secret are (1) diet, (2) exercise, and (3) lifestyle. The basis of the diet is ‘a little sugar restriction’. The reason why carbohydrate restriction is the basis is that obesity in modern people is mostly caused by excessive sugar intake. Obese people noticeably lose visceral fat even if they restrict carbohydrates. In other words, carbohydrate restriction is the most effective diet.

Carbohydrates are mainly found in sweets such as staple foods and desserts such as rice, bread, and noodles. Potatoes and fruits with strong sweetness are also foods that contain a lot of sugar. When you eat sugar, your blood sugar rises, and when your blood sugar rises, your pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin works by injecting sugar from the blood into the liver, muscle, and fat cells to lower blood sugar levels.

Sugar (glucose) is the main energy source of our body, but excessive intake of sugar is converted to glycogen or neutral fat and accumulates in the body. Obesity does not occur if the amount eaten and consumed is the same, but if the sugar intake is excessive, it is converted into neutral fat and accumulated as visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, resulting in obesity.

Most of the patients suffering from obesity consume too much rice or bread. If you consume a lot of sugar, your energy is excessive, and fat is accumulated due to the action of insulin, which is secreted in large quantities, so you gain weight easily.

Insulin is also called the obesity hormone. As much as possible, you should try to avoid giving out extra insulin. In other words, a meal that does not spike blood sugar is the best secret to preventing obesity.

(1) First, set a goal to reduce the amount of sugar you normally eat by half.

If you do this alone, you will definitely lose weight. Vegetables, fish, meat, soybean products, seaweed, and mushrooms are good to eat instead of rice, bread, and noodles.

(2) Eat foods rich in dietary fiber first

The most important thing to consider when eating is the order in which you eat. When you eat sugar, your blood sugar spikes. Dietary fiber is a reliable ingredient that prevents blood sugar spikes. When you eat, you should consciously eat foods rich in dietary fiber. Foods rich in soluble dietary fiber include burdock root, avocado, Brussels sprouts, lily root, fresh herbs, okra, moroheiya (molokiya), seaweed, kelp, dried shiitake mushrooms, and taste mushrooms.

(3) Take at least 15 minutes between meals

It takes regarding 15 minutes for the brain to detect a rise in blood sugar levels. So, people who eat in a hurry tend to overeat before the body feels full. Even if you are busy, do not eat quickly, but take your time and eat slowly. Chewing food is also an act that stimulates the satiety center, so chew it thoroughly and take at least 15 minutes to eat.

(4) Eat foods that are easy to gain weight between 2 and 6 p.m.

There is a gene called BMAL 1, Brain and Muscle ARNT-Like 1 in our body. It is a gene related to the biological clock, and it suppresses lipolysis so that fat stays in the body. Recent research has revealed that droplet sources fluctuate in their influence at different times of the day. The influence of the droplet source increases during the night time and weakens during the day. Around 2:00 p.m., the influence of the droplet source is the weakest and gradually becomes stronger from around 6:00 p.m. So, you can think of it like this: ① It is easy to gain weight if you eat between night and morning, when the influence of the droplet source is strong. ② If you eat between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm, when the influence of the droplets weakens, you will not gain weight.

4. The strongest food to lose visceral fat

(1) ‘Tea catechin’ that consumes energy just by ingesting it (2) ‘Chalbarley’, which is rich in fiber and has half the calories of white rice (3) ‘Broccoli’, a powerful supporter of diet (4) Fights visceral fat with fish oil , ‘Canned mackerel’ (5) ‘Soup curry’ that is good to eat while on a diet

5. Zombie gymnastics, an effortless and sustainable workout

(1) Finishing a diet is effective only with exercise

90% of diet depends on diet, but the true perfection of diet is exercise. There are three reasons for this. ① If you lose weight without exercise, you look thin. If you simply lose weight, the curvature of the body will disappear in the case of women, and men will also become poor. ② When you exercise, your muscles increase and your metabolism goes up, making it easy to lose weight. ③ Exercise is also important for maintaining health. The human body is made to move. Lack of exercise can lead to arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction, and myocardial infarction. Dementia and cancer are also known to be related to lack of exercise.

(2) Zombie Gymnastics[초급편]

① Walking in place

• First of all, put strength on your stomach and stand upright, then straighten your back and open your chest. The shoulders, arms, and hands are completely relaxed.

• Raise your arms as much as you can, then release them and let them hang down naturally. Be careful not to bend your back at this time.

• Repeat walking in place at short intervals while maintaining the posture. It is more effective if performed with the tip of the toe while lifting the heel. For those with foot pain or poor muscle strength, it is okay to walk in place with a narrow stride.

② Hate Hate Exercise

• Stop in place and move your arms back and forth and twist your upper body like a child saying ‘hhhhhh’. Keep your arms swinging in line with your shoulder movement.

★ Perform ① movement for 15 to 60 seconds according to your body condition, and then perform ② movement for 15 to 60 seconds. Do this 3 sets 30 minutes following breakfast, lunch and dinner.

(3) Zombie gymnastics[상급편]

① Walking in place + dislike exercise

This is an advanced gymnastics where ① and ② movements are performed at the same time. It is good to do the chess step rhythmically by raising your knees slightly as if you were jogging on the spot. Move your shoulders back and forth as if walking in place or jogging on the spot (at this time, let your relaxed arms swing naturally).

② After performing the advanced section ① for 1 minute, walk slowly in place for 30 seconds.

★ If you feel that the beginner level is not enough, try the advanced level gymnastics. Advanced section ①, ② movements as 1 set, repeat 3 sets. If you do this three times a day, it becomes the same amount of exercise as walking for regarding 10 minutes.

6. Dramatically change if you continue every day! lifestyle by situation

(1) Get into the habit of facing reality in front of a full-length mirror. (2) Get on the scale every morning and weigh yourself. (3) Get up at a set time in the morning. (4) Prepare the clothes you want to wear when you become thinner. (5) Let’s be patient for a while at first. (6) Sit on a chair without a back and straighten your back. (8) Move your body frequently. (9) Link whole body bathing or half body bathing with exercise habits. ① Slow squat 10 times ② Plank 30-60 seconds ③ 10 crunches + zombie gymnastics (regarding 5 minutes) (10) ‘Zombie gymnastics & shower’ improves blood flow. (11) Raise the metabolism with a glass of ice water following taking a bath. (12) Double the effect of exercise with ‘gymnastics by pedaling a bicycle’ while taking a bath. (13) Heel lifting exercise that can be done anywhere (14) Eliminate the protruding belly by breathing in.

The reporter’s BMI is close to 25. You need to go on a diet so that you don’t become obese. So far, I’ve been intermittent fasting, but I’m thinking of changing to a carbohydrate-restricted diet. I need to lose visceral fat with some sugar restrictions, 5 minutes of zombie gymnastics a day, and minor lifestyle changes.

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