Breaking down alcohol faster with the hangover pill: what’s the deal?

A pill against hangovers has been launched in Great Britain, which is said to prevent nausea, headaches and the like and break down 70 percent of alcohol in one hour! How is that possible?

Hangover never again? Never again with the fear of that headache going to a party the next morning? Apparently already possible in Great Britain! The new preparation “Myrkl” from Sweden has recently been on the market there, which is advertised as “the pill before drinking that works” and is intended to prevent a hangover. But what is really behind the supposed miracle cure?

That promises the anti-hangover pill

If you want to do something good for your health in the long term, you should Better to avoid alcohol altogether. Nevertheless, reason sometimes fails and it is difficult to find an end at a party. “Myrkl” could possibly be the solution for the hangover the next day. The Swedish miracle pill was recently launched in the UK and is said to prevent headaches or nausea. The anti-hangover pill is said to be able to break down up to 70 percent of the alcohol after just 60 minutes. This means that if you drink 50 milliliters of 40% spirit containing 20 milliliters of pure alcohol, only 6 milliliters of the alcohol will enter the bloodstream. This is the same as if the person only drank 15 milliliters of spirits.

However, the tablet must be taken in advance. You have to plan your drinking sessions and pub crawls accordingly – if you spontaneously look too deep into a glass, you will not be spared the hangover the next day.

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How is a hangover formed?

But how does a hangover develop? A hangover is mainly due to the dehydrating effect of alcohol: Since the body needs more liquid and minerals to break down than it has absorbed, it withdraws the necessary water from the organs. The consequences are headaches, nausea, dizziness or drowsiness. When less alcohol enters the body, there is less risk of dehydration.

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The pill is supposed to prevent hangovers

If you want to prevent the hangover symptoms, the recommendation is to take two tablets one to twelve hours before drinking alcohol. The pill contains the amino acid L-cysteine ​​and Vitamin B12, which is supposed to increase metabolism. The gut-friendly bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans, which are obtained from fermented rice bran, are also said to naturally break down the alcohol (ethanol) into carbon dioxide and water more quickly. The acid-resistant capsule protects the bacteria from the natural gastric acid, so that they can reach the intestines unhindered. This is where most of the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.

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Hangover study with flaws

Sounds almost too good to be true. Hence the question: is there any scientific basis for this hangover pill? More or less: While the researchers found that within the first 60 minutes, the amount of alcohol in the blood of those who received “Myrkl” was 70 percent lower than that of those who received a dummy pill, but the study has some flaws .

On the one hand, it was carried out with just 24 test persons with an average age of 25 years. In addition, instead of taking the hangover pill once, the participants took two capsules of “Myrkl” or two capsules of placebo daily, followed by only one alcoholic drink. In addition, only 14 of the 24 people were included at the end of the study.1 In the end, it is still the healthiest thing to generally avoid alcohol as much as possible.


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