“Breaking boundaries in urology: The inspiring story of Dr. Carmen Cabrera”

2023-04-16 09:00:14

For Dr. Carmen Cabrera, urology is more than solving problems, it is being able to help her patients and continue the process with them.

By: Valentina Diaz Ospina

Dr. Carmen Cabrera Beauchamp one of the first women doctors in practice urology in Puerto Ricoexclusively for the Medicine and Public Health Magazine, revealed what led her to choose this specialty and what motivates her every day in her profession and in her personal life.

Despite being from a family where the majority were lawyers, Dr. Cabrera had a very strong interest in science, especially medicine, where she found a career that allowed her to help people.

Your way to the urology He was first guided by the rotation in surgery, a stage where he met a colleague who was already accepted in the residency of urology and which allowed her to learn about this specialty, enthusing her and showing her that this was the career she wanted.

“That was the career I wanted, because not only do you solve problems, but unlike some specialties you have a continuity, the patients stay with you most of the time,” said Dr. Cabrera.

“The patient has to follow a continuous follow-up with the urologist and that caught my attention a lot, because it allowed you to evaluate patients and at the same time perform multiple surgical procedures” adds the specialist.

The fourth urologist in Puerto Rico

Dr. Cabrera is the fourth woman to graduate from urology on the island, which at times has made her feel a little weight and pressure, since “it is a career that was dominated by men, where one had to show that one could do the same job, work more, but always keeping in mind account that one was going to open the way for others women“.

According to what Dr. Cabrera tells us, currently the women are becoming more present in the field of urology not only in Puerto Ricobut also in the United States, where the residence application for urology is led by women and in the conventions of urologists it is more evident women.

The fight against the stigma and machismo of this specialty

Being a specialty where men predominate, Dr. Cabrera evidenced machismo and stigma, especially by patients, throughout much of her career.

“For a patient that a woman would attend him was like a taboo,” said Dr. Cabrera.

Despite this, Dr. Cabrera tells us that she managed to cope with it through respect and professionalism, both from her to her colleagues and patients and from them towards her.

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“I believe that if one maintains professionalism and discusses the differences with one’s other peers with respect, the results may not be achieved immediately, but sooner or later they will be achieved,” said the specialist.

The union of medical practice with the family

Since her beginnings in medicine, Dr. Cabrera has had support and acceptance from her family, from her parents to her partner and children.

The adaptation to the times of both her and her husband who was a general surgeon and the division of tasks between them, allowed the Doctor to be present in the lives of her children as a mother and to be able to be at school, activities and educate them together to her husband, who was her great support.

What stands out about urology?

Dr. Cabrera highlights this specialty that has allowed her to help many people and treat them in a number of conditions, she also highlights the ability to train residents and health professionals who are adequately trained.

“I am satisfied, because during all these years I have had the opportunity to graduate some excellent urologists” said Dr. Cabrera.

Dr. Cabrera recommends to those women doctors who want to specialize in urology Rotate through the specialty, whether in the third or fourth year, to see if they like it and if it is consistent with their perception of it.

He also recommends that they educate themselves and that “never say that you are not going to achieve something, always persevere, because everything you want to achieve, you can achieve if you organize and prepare.

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