Breaking Barriers: UNQ Earns Coveted Spot in Prestigious 12th New Looks on Television Lineup

Recognition for Latin American University TV Production

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the Pre-selected productions of this 12th Edition. This year, the call received more than 50 applications from 30 universities from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Paraguay.

The Pre-selected for the 12th New Looks on Television Award 2024 are:


  • CATEGORY: Journalistic-documentary dissemination
  1. The memory we inhabit (Argentina)

National University of Mar del Plata – Canal Universidad

  • Water, air, earth, fire – Cartography of environmental conflict (Argentina)

National Interuniversity Council – Mundo U

  • Park Memories (Chile)

University of Playa Ancha – UPLA TV

  • Gender issue (Chile)

University of Santiago de Chile- STGO TV

  • Small large inventories (Colombia)

University of Antioquia

  • Blue Woman. Stories of salt water (Costa Rica)

University of Costa Rica – Quince UCR

  • Migrant Bodies (Mexico)

National Autonomous University of Mexico – TV UNAM

  • CATEGORY: Micro journalistic-documentary
  1. CU(AR)ENTA | Memories in democracy (Argentina)

National University of Rosario – UNICANAL

  • Stories from Rebel Patagonia (Argentina)

National University of Avellaneda – UNDAV TV

  • Bicontinental (Argentina)

National University of Tierra del Fuego – UNTDF Media

  • Beyond Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonian University Institute of the Arts – IUPA

  • 360° Territory (Colombia)

National University of Colombia – UNAL Television

CATEGORY: Floor/studio journalistic-documentary program

  1. What do we play? (Argentina)

National University of Cuyo – Signal U

  • The other books (Argentina)

National University of Mar del Plata – Canal Universidad

  • Science without borders (Chile)

University of Santiago de Chile – SGTO TV

Autonomous University of the West – C90D

  • In the footsteps of nature (Mexico)

Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla – TV BUAP

  • To the conquest of flavor (Mexico)

National Autonomous University of Mexico – TV UNAM

  • The Skein. Journalists Cycle (Uruguay)

University of the Republic – Audiovisual Laboratory of Contents in TV Ciudad

Below, we present the prestigious members of this year’s Jury:

Sofia Harriague

She is an audiovisual producer. She studied Combined Arts (UBA) and TEA Imagen (Comprehensive Television Production) for three years, which allowed her to work in different areas, such as Producer and Journalistic Producer. He began his career in the media around 2004, and since then he has been part of different television projects on air and cable signals in different formats (entertainment on Channel 13), gastronomy; The Gourmet TV). He was part of the first productions made for the Encuentro channel and for 5 years he worked at Bruno Stagnaro’s Boga Bogagna production company.

From 2017 to 2024 he was responsible for the Production Area of ​​Canal Encuentro, where he was in charge of the production team.

Federico Strifezzo

After obtaining a Master’s Degree in Documentary Journalism at the Tres de Febrero University (UNTREF), he directed the documentaries “CAL El Congreso en Dictadura” (2016), “Viaje a la Patagonia Austral” (2017) and “The Battle of Suipacha” ( 2018), all broadcast on Public TV. He is the director of the program “Con Voz y Voto”, winner of the TAL 2023 award in the categories + Citizen Participation and Legislative Grand Prize. “We were also here” (2021), made with the support of INCAA, is her first feature film. He worked as Director of Photography in the documentary “REMAR” and in the short “El Ultimo Diariero”. In 2021 she won the Lola Mora award for “contributing to disseminating images with a gender perspective, promoting equal rights and opportunities.” Currently, he is directing his second film documentary titled “Argentina, memories of the future”, which obtained the support of Patronage.

Sebastian Raul Diaz

In 1992, at the age of 18, he began training at the Avellaneda Institute of Cinematographic Art (IDAC). In 1999, as an assistant director, he began to make the feature film “Mataperros”, a bizarre Creole road movie that premiered in 2001 at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival, in different theaters in the country and abroad, and on television. air and cable.

Linked to the world of music, he has made numerous video clips for Peligrosos Gorriones, Palo Pandolfo, Francisco Bochatón and others.

A researcher of national history, deeply committed to the indigenous cause, he has directed the documentaries “La muralla criolla”, “4 lonkos” and “Jinetes de Roca”, which denounce the genocide perpetrated by the Argentine State during the Desert Campaigns.

At this time the Jury is beginning the process of selecting winners. There will be news soon!



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