Breaking Barriers: Laetitia Bolloni’s Crusade for Equality at Sanofi

2024-09-05 08:00:00

Laetitia Bolloni, director of research and development partnerships at drugmaker Sanofi France, cast her eyes toward the Eiffel Tower looming behind the bay window on the top floor of its headquarters. Her eyes sparkle as she recalls the stories her mother, a nurse, told her when she came home from get off work in the evenings. It was decided that the child who was passionate about science would study pharmacy. But the dispensary quickly became too cramped to meet the needs of students. “I want to go into science”the director insisted.

With the master in hand, she started working “On the bench”conducted molecular research in laboratories, first in Lyon, then in Belgium, and finally settled in France to work for Sanofi. There she patiently rose through the ranks for eighteen years, until today she manages ten employees scattered around the world.

«SIf I want to go, I’ll go.”

Her rise is due in part to a mentorship program newly created by a network of groups dedicated to representing women in key positions. “My mentor was the CEO’s N-2,” The still enthusiastic director smiled. “She taught me to be aware of my skills and avoid self-censorship. Tell myself: If I want to go there, I’ll go there. When Laetitia Bolloni took charge of France’s Gender+ network in 2019, 35% of the organization’s top 2,200 employees the previous year were women, although the company had as many men as women.

She then added to the initiatives: An awareness program for men supporting the rise of their female colleagues was added to another supporting interviews. Today’s price parity rate reaches 45%. Next goal: “Clear this gap.”

Works with its own characteristics

Sia’s song “Unstoppable”

«This song sings “The sky is the limit.” If you want something, you can become invincible. I adopted this mindset through coaching and working in team management roles.»

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