[Breakfast Choice]OL eats more and more easily but does not lose weight Nutritionist reveals 6 portable breakfast traps – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – Health – Health and Beauty

Many office workers have been sedentary for a long time, and central obesity will appear over time. However, many OLs think that eating some “simple” food can reduce the chance of obesity, but this is not the case. Dietitian Ng Yiu Fen (Kathy), certified by the Hong Kong Institute of Dietitians, shared 6 portable breakfast calories with TOPick for reference by all OLs!

In Hong Kong, OL work is getting more and more busy, but this also affects our breakfast habits. In the past, my parents mentioned that following returning to the office in the morning, they would go to a nearby fast food restaurant or tea restaurant to enjoy a rich breakfast with their colleagues, but they gradually changed to buying takeaway breakfast, such as lemon tea or macaroni. Now, many people can only buy a tuna bag or a leg and egg sandwich as a light breakfast on the way to work.

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However, what is interesting is why the current OL breakfast is getting simpler and simpler, but the body is getting fatter and fatter? The reason is that these seemingly simple breakfast foods, such as tuna buns, are actually high in calories and fat. In order to make the tuna buns more delicious, most bakeries will choose tuna soaked in oil, which leads to a small tuna bun with up to 400 calories and regarding one tablespoon of oil, which is more than an OL One-quarter of the recommended upper limit of fat intake per day.

Leg and egg sandwiches may look light and healthy on the surface, but in fact their calorie and fat content is higher than we imagined. Many people think that the main cause of obesity is ham, eggs or bread, but it is not all of them. The main reason is the way sandwiches are made. Egg and leg sandwiches bought in grocery stores or restaurants are usually generously buttered, greatly increasing the fat content. A leg egg treat has as many as 450 calories and contains nearly two tablespoons of oil (nearly half of an OL’s daily limit). In addition, I don’t know if you have noticed that the scrambled eggs made in restaurants are very delicious. In fact, a lot of oil is added in the production process. What’s more, lard with high saturated fat but rich flavor is usually used. Long-term intake of excessive saturated fat will greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, we need to be mindful of our breakfast choices and avoid high-calorie and high-fat foods. Fat is the most fattening ingredient, so eating simple and eating less does not mean you can lose weight. The ingredients and the way they are prepared are the main factors that affect our weight. We need to pay more attention to our eating habits and choose healthy foods and low-fat preparations to stay healthy.

Ng Yiu Fen (Kathy) – Certified Dietitian (Hong Kong Society of Dietitians).

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Author : Ng Yiu Fen (Kathy) Dietitian accredited by Hong Kong Society of Dietitians



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