Break Free: Effective Techniques for Smoking Cessation Success

2024-09-06 17:42:21

A meta-analysis published in the journal Addiction on Wednesday, September 4, summarizes our current scientific knowledge on smoking cessation. Several medical devices have proven effective in helping people quit.

Former smokers know that quitting cigarettes is often a difficult battle against oneself. Nicotine, a highly addictive molecule, pushes people to continue smoking, otherwise they will experience strong side effects related to withdrawal.

But if the quest to quit smoking is long and difficult, there are methods that can make the road easier, as recalled a study published Wednesday September 4 in the magazine Addiction, spotted by The Figaro.

This meta-analysis conducted by the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group and led by researchers from Oxford and the University of Massachusetts highlights the most effective methods for quitting smoking for good. Medication, support… Several major methods are highlighted for their effectiveness.

“Quitting smoking improves mental health and reduces cardiovascular disorders and mortality in people with cardiovascular disease,” the researchers also note in the preamble.

The action of three drugs is acclaimed

This survey cross-references data collected during more than 1,000 previous studies on this same question. Ultimately, the administration of drugs to help with withdrawal is highlighted as the most effective. Three molecules are cited: varenicline, bupropion and cytisine, which is not authorized in France.

As Fabio Marti, lecturer and researcher at the CNRS, explains to Le Figaro, “these drugs attach to the receptors to which nicotine normally binds” and prevent it from becoming lodged there.

“Agonists reduce the rewarding effect that this addictive substance usually provides.”

These products help to avoid the annoying symptoms of “withdrawal”, in particular anxiety, thus reducing the first factor of relapse. Products which are also reimbursable, (after the failure of nicotine substitutes) as Vidal reminds us. These substances can however generate problematic side effects, for example, depressive states. (lol, Editor’s note)

In heavy smokers, treatments combining these products and nicotine patches can also be considered, as highlighted by a study by British Journal of medicine.

“The combined action of varenicline and the nicotine patch would saturate the receptors and thus more drastically reduce the feeling of withdrawal. An effect which would therefore only be noticeable in heavy smokers,” underlines the Cancer Research Foundation.

Electronic cigarette, a viable option in “more than half” of cases

Still in the list of the most effective methods, we find the very controversial electronic cigarette. If its action allows according to the authors of the study to stop smoking in “more than half” of the cases, a certain number of black points are identified.

“Overall, 54% of participants who were assigned an e-cigarette were still using it after six months or more; this proportion was 70% among those who had successfully quit smoking,” the authors of this study specify.

“We often say that a person has stopped smoking thanks to the use of an electronic cigarette with nicotine, but we do not say that they have become dependent on the electronic cigarette, the health consequences of which are still unknown,” emphasizes The Vanguard Dr. Barchilon, coordinator of the Spanish Smoking Cessation Research Group.

In addition, the researchers looked at the role played – or not – by the aromas infused in e-cigarettes. The results are incomplete and do not allow any difference to be highlighted in the effectiveness of weaning. “Other work is planned and underway in this area,” it is stated at the end of the conclusion.

The need for a mixed approach

Finally, the data suggest two other effective methods: therapy/support and “financial incentives”. But, as several experts remind Le Figaro, the best solution is above all the one that suits the smoker. Quitting smoking is facilitated by medical care, to adapt the solution to the particular case, in order to avoid a side effect or the rebound from one addiction to another.

The fact remains that, from a health point of view, the best cigarette is the last one. And as soon as possible. An international study published in February emphasized the reversible nature of tobacco damage.

A person who quits smoking before the age of 40 can expect to have a near-normal life expectancy. The beneficial results were “evident within the first three years after quitting smoking,” explained the Canadian researchers.

#Medication #financial #motivation.. #effective #methods #quit #smoking

How to stop‌ smoking immediately

Effective ​Methods for Quitting Smoking: A Comprehensive Guide

Quitting smoking is ⁣a challenging journey, but it’s worth it. Nicotine, a ⁣highly addictive‌ molecule, makes ⁢it difficult for people to quit smoking, leading to withdrawal symptoms. However, with the right approach, individuals can overcome ‍nicotine addiction and live a healthier lifestyle. A ​recent meta-analysis published ‌in the journal Addiction highlights the most effective methods for quitting smoking.

Medications: The Most Effective Method

According to the study, medications are the most effective method for quitting smoking. Three specific drugs – varenicline, bupropion, and cytisine – have been found to be highly effective in ⁢helping individuals quit smoking. These medications work⁣ by attaching to the receptors that nicotine normally binds to, preventing the rewarding effect of ‍nicotine and reducing ‍withdrawal symptoms.

Electronic Cigarettes: ⁤A Viable Option

Electronic⁢ cigarettes‌ have⁤ been found to be effective in helping people quit smoking in more than half of cases. However, experts emphasize that ‌e-cigarettes can lead to dependence on the device, and the health consequences are still unknown. Moreover, the role of aromas infused in e-cigarettes in quitting smoking is still unclear and requires further research.

Therapy and Support: A Crucial Aspect

Therapy and support are essential⁣ components of quitting smoking. Financial incentives can also play a significant ⁣role in⁢ motivating individuals to quit smoking. However, experts‍ stress that the best approach is a personalized one, ⁤tailored to the individual’s needs and ⁣preferences.

Gradual⁢ Reduction and Cold Turkey Approaches

In addition to medications and e-cigarettes, other methods ‍can be ⁣effective ‍in quitting smoking.⁣ Gradual reduction, which involves gradually reducing the ​number of cigarettes smoked⁣ over time, can be a successful approach. The Cold Turkey approach, which involves quitting⁢ smoking abruptly, can also be effective⁤ for some individuals.

Psychological Deaddiction

Psychological deaddiction is another crucial‌ aspect of quitting smoking. This approach involves identifying and addressing‌ the emotional and psychological‍ triggers that lead to smoking. By addressing these​ underlying issues, individuals can‍ overcome nicotine addiction and achieve long-term quit rates.

Tips for Quitting Smoking

In addition to these effective methods, there ​are several tips that can help individuals quit smoking:

Set a quit date and create a ‌quit plan

Identify triggers and avoid them

⁣Stay active and engaged

Seek support from friends, family, and healthcare professionals

* Reward yourself for small milestones


Quitting smoking is⁤ a challenging‍ journey, but with the right approach, it’s possible to overcome nicotine addiction and live a ​healthier lifestyle. By combining ‌medications, therapy, and support, individuals can increase their chances of quitting smoking for good. Remember, quitting smoking improves mental health, reduces cardiovascular disorders,‌ and mortality ‌in⁢ people with cardiovascular disease.


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Note:‍ The references provided are a mix of ‌sources from‍ the original query and additional ⁢sources ‌that support‍ the content of the article.

**Comprehensive Guide to Smoking Cessation: Effective Methods and Strategies**

Comprehensive Guide to Smoking Cessation: Effective Methods and Strategies

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of mortality in the United States and worldwide [1[1]. Quitting smoking can significantly improve mental health and reduce cardiovascular disorders and mortality in people with cardiovascular disease [2[2]. Despite the challenges of quitting, there are several medical devices and strategies that have proven effective in helping people overcome nicotine addiction.

Most Effective Methods for Quitting Smoking

A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Addiction highlights the most effective methods for quitting smoking for good [3[3]. The administration of drugs to help with withdrawal is highlighted as the most effective, with three molecules being cited: varenicline, bupropion, and cytisine. These drugs attach to the receptors to which nicotine normally binds, preventing it from becoming lodged there and reducing the rewarding effect of nicotine. These products can help avoid the annoying symptoms of withdrawal, such as anxiety, and are reimbursable after the failure of nicotine substitutes.

Electronic Cigarettes: A Viable Option

Electronic cigarettes have been found to be a viable option for quitting smoking in more than half of cases. According to a study, 54% of participants who were assigned an e-cigarette were still using it after six months or more, with 70% of those who had successfully quit smoking [2[2]. However, the health consequences of using electronic cigarettes are still unknown, and it is essential to consider the potential risks and benefits.

The Need for a Mixed Approach

Quitting smoking often requires a mixed approach that combines medication, support, and behavioral changes. Heavy smokers may benefit from treatments that combine medications and nicotine patches, which can help reduce the feeling of withdrawal. Additionally, support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends can play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome nicotine addiction.

How to Stop Smoking Immediately

If you’re ready to quit smoking, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Set a quit date and make a plan to quit smoking.
  2. Consult with a healthcare professional to discuss your options for quitting smoking.
  3. Consider using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or prescription medications to help manage withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Get support from friends, family, or a support group to help you stay motivated.
  5. Identify the reasons why you want to quit smoking and remind yourself



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