Reduce salt in bread by 10% within four years. Here is the objective set by all the players in the bakery sector, who signed a voluntary collective agreement on Thursday at the Agricultural Show, the government announced in a statement. In order to respond to this public health issue, “the bakery sector is committed to reducing the amount of salt in bread, which represents [près] 20% of the daily salt intake of the French,” he says.
Millers, artisan bakers (CNBPF) and industrial bakers (FEB) have signed this partnership with the General Directorates for Health and Food. The trade and distribution federation, and certain major brands such as Intermarché and Leclerc have also joined in this collective commitment by 2025.
Press release ???? | Reduction of #cell in our #food : towards a reduction of salt in bread ???? thanks to the actors of the bakery sector ⤵
— Ministry of Agriculture and Food (@Agri_Gouv) March 3, 2022
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Decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease
France has made a commitment to the World Health Organization (WHO) to “reduce salt consumption by 30% by 2025”, a measure which makes it possible to “lower blood pressure and the risk of disease cardiovascular,” says the UN body. In detail, the salt content will have to drop from 1.7 grams currently to 1.4 per 100 grams of so-called ordinary bread, with the deadline October 2023. Thus, a baguette weighing around 250 grams cannot exceed 3.5 grams salt.
For sandwich breads, the salt content will have to fall from 1.21 to 1.1 grams by October 2025, i.e. 0.38 grams maximum for a slice of 35 grams. In its latest reports, the WHO examines the impact of changes in the food system on health, with increasingly democratized access to ultra-processed foods and drinks, rich in salt, sugars and fats.