“Brazil’s Foreign Minister defends President Lula’s remarks on Ukraine amidst US criticism”

2023-04-18 00:55:50

The Brazilian foreign minister, Mauro Vieira, rejected this Monday the criticism of the United States government to the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for accusing that country and the European Union of promoting the war in Ukraine.

“No, not at all, I don’t agree, I don’t know how or why they came to that conclusion, but I don’t agree at all,” Vieira told reporters after participating in the meeting between Lula and the Russian Foreign Minister. , Sergei Lavrov, visiting Brazil.

The Brazilian foreign minister responded thus to John Kirby, one of the White House spokesmen, who accused Lula of being “parroting” Russian propaganda and China about the war in Ukraine without having stopped to study “the facts”.

“The way in which Brazil has addressed this issue both substantively and rhetorically by suggesting that the US and Europe are somehow not interested in peace or that they share responsibility for war is deeply problematic,” he said. Kirby.

When asked about it, Vieira stated that he “does not know the reasons” why President Joe Biden’s administration has issued these statements about the leader of the Latin American left.

“I can only say that Brazil and Russia complete this year 195 years of diplomatic relations with resistant ambassadors. They are two countries that have a common history, ”he defended.

Lula received this Monday Lavrov, on tour in several Latin American countries, for a courtesy visit, “as he usually does with foreign guests”, after officially meeting with Vieira himself, according to the Brazilian Foreign Minister.

According to Vieira, Lula and Lavrov “did not enter into questions of war” and they did “into questions of peace.”

“Brazil wants to promote peace and is ready to discuss with a group of countries or join a group of countries that are willing to talk about peace,” he explained.

“With the president (Lula) there was no talk of war, he only reiterated what he has been saying, that Brazil is willing to cooperate for peace,” he completed.

During his trip to China and the United Arab Emirates last week, Lula affirmed that the US should stop “incentivizing” the war and “start talking about peace”, as well as the European Union and insisted on pointing them out for being “contributing” to its continuity by sending arms to the Government of Ukraine.

#Brazil #rejects #criticism #President #Lula #comments #Ukraine

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