Brazilian President: Israel’s practices in Palestine are “genocide”

New York – Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva described Israel’s practices in the Palestinian territories as “genocide” yesterday, Wednesday.

This came in response to a question by an Anatolia correspondent at the United Nations headquarters in New York City about reports indicating that more than 500 civilians were killed in Lebanon within one day, and the Israeli army’s announcement of its readiness to launch a ground operation in Lebanon, and whether the time has come to call for an arms embargo. Global on Israel.

Lula da Silva confirmed that the number of deaths in Lebanon in recent days exceeded the number witnessed in the civil war between 1987 and 1990, and that among the dead were 93 women and 50 children.

He pointed out that about 10,000 people were displaced from their homes due to Israeli attacks.

He explained that Israel killed many civilians in the occupied West Bank as well, and that “on the other hand, there is genocide.”

He stated that there are legal procedures taking place against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the International Criminal Court.

He pointed out that the UN Security Council had taken a decision on the ceasefire, but Netanyahu did not adhere to it.

“This is why we are fighting to strengthen the United Nations so that it can make decisions and take action,” he said.

Lula da Silva called on countries that support Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to take action to prevent genocide.

The Brazilian President condemned the practices carried out by the Israeli government, expressing his confidence that most Israelis do not support genocide.

Lula da Silva also stressed that the Palestinian faction movement must also make the contribution that is its responsibility and release the innocent prisoners.

He noted that the Israeli government should also release prisoners “so that everything returns to normal.”

He stressed that humanity cannot continue to live as if what is happening in Gaza, Sudan and the occupied West Bank is normal.


#Brazilian #President #Israels #practices #Palestine #genocide
2024-09-28 00:00:25



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