Brazilian companies use technology to improve the legal sector

A survey by the Brazilian Association of Lawtechs and Legaltechs (AB2L), conducted with data between August and September 2021, showed that 84.2% of lawyers believe they should use more technological tools to deal with clients.

The study also showed that 62.8% of the interviewed lawyers believe they are up to date when it comes to new legal technology platforms.

In times where more and more law professionals are looking to update themselves with new tools, technology provides optimizations in several areas and with law this would not be different.

Daniel Marques, president of AB2L says that “to close one’s eyes to innovation is to decree the death of a law practice that can rescue the human being as the center of every legal process”.

According to data from AB2L, in Brazil there are around 400 companies focused on the inclusion of technology in the legal field, the so-called Legaltechs and Lawtechs.

The survey also questioned the impact of new technologies on the legal environment, where 85.36% of lawyers believe that they help in their work. However, 17.73% believe that these tools serve as a substitute for professionals.

Michel Teixeira, lawyer at legaltech Lexly, which offers digital legal solutions such as smart contracts and online lawyer options, reinforces the use of technology in the day-to-day practice of law.

The professional states that “a lawyer can add technology to his day-to-day life through the use of platforms for managing agendas, cases, processes and contracts, together with a profile on a social network that gives visibility and authority”.

According to the Code of Ethics of the OAB, the Law cannot be commodified, nor can it be used with or customer acquisition strategies.

Michel advises on the use of social networks to help lawyers and says that “the ideal thing is to create a profile or page on a social network where you can keep your clients informed and at the same time as a vehicle for direct communication with them. In this way, the professional would not be injuring the menus guaranteed by the OAB”, he added.

The term Advocacy 4.0 is gaining relevance among professionals across the country, where independent offices and lawyers are beginning to understand how to use technology within the Law.

Technology can also be an ally of professionals to increase their number of clients, being able to work remotely and serve people from all over the world.

According to Michel, “technology gives lawyers the possibility of becoming better known and, with that, attracting more contacts, as the reach provides greater inclusion and accessibility of people in different places, in addition to being able to work in different areas of law”.

Asked regarding the best way for a lawyer to act in the digital environment without commodifying the profession, Michel explains that “the professional must value the informative action, that is, he must practice the law in an informative way, without consulting”.

“In addition to not your won causes or any other type of communication that resembles a sale of your services”, concluded Michel.




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