Brazil asks its citizens to wear a mask after monkeypox cases rose

The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported that it is analyzing four other “suspected” cases of monkeypox, bringing the number of patients under medical observation for this disease to six, and it is calling on citizens to wear a muzzle, according to the Brazilian newspaper “O Globo”.

In the same week, the health authorities reported that there are two people suspected of having this disease and that they are “isolated, recovering and subject to strict medical monitoring”, pending the results of their respective laboratory tests.

The first two complaints were recorded in the state of Ceará (northeast) and Santa Catarina (south), but this Saturday the number of patients who showed symptoms rose to 6 people.

The National Health Surveillance Agency in Brazil recommended that the preventive measures implemented due to the Corona epidemic be resumed and eased in recent months following the government canceled the “state of emergency”.

Among other proposals, the National Health Surveillance suggested resuming the use of masks and social distancing at airports and flights.

Also because of this disease, the Ministry of Health has set up a “case room” to monitor the development of the national and international epidemiological picture.



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