Bravely Facing Breast Cancer: Sofia Bogani’s Inspiring Journey

2023-09-15 03:57:53

Her testimony does not hide the pain she felt when she found out she had breast cancer, nor the uncertainty. However, there was no fear or questioning, Sofía Bogani (Lima, 1982) tells us. The actress bravely and optimistically faces an illness that, while marking her body with a scar, erased the scars she had in her soul.

Bogani was in Mexico when she discovered a lump in one of her breasts while doing a self-exam. A first ultrasound showed that he had a nodule with malignant characteristics. Immediately after that result, not at all encouraging, he returned to Peru.

Sofia Bogani is 41 years old. She is the owner of spectacular beauty. (Photo: Instagram)

“In Mexico I was working in a radio station, also in an events production company. I traveled before the pandemic. My plan was to continue there, see more projects, but due to suspicions that I had cancer, I had to return. I discovered the lump in mid-April and in June, a month and a half later, they were already having surgery. That’s where the whole show started,” she narrates.

The Commerce | Sofía Bogani, actress of “That’s Life”, and her tough fight against breast cancer.

“Thank God it was stage 1 cancer, early stage. I was able to detect it in time thanks to my body warning me. “I felt pain in my breast, tiredness and an abnormal heaviness,” recalls the actress who played Jenny Ramírez in the television series “That’s Life.”

─What was the first thing you thought when it was confirmed that you had cancer?

Obviously, the news hit me like a bucket of cold water, but I was never afraid of the disease. From the beginning I was optimistic. I understood that I had to follow all the steps to get out of this, which moved very quickly. I arrived in Lima with a single tumor, but it opened forming another small tumor. It also involved lymph nodes.

─What has been the hardest phase of the treatment?

It was at the beginning, when I received all the information. What was most difficult for me was seeing the mastectomy. In fact, the first time I saw myself in the mirror, I fainted. Was strong. Luckily my surgeon is wonderful and my scar is barely noticeable. I cried, but I never questioned myself. I understood the situation and accepted it as it came. I took the illness as a necessary life break to reconnect with my family and Lima.

─And how was the hair issue?

I had to process it for a while. I cut it little by little until I accepted and understood it. My mom’s advice helped me a lot. She told me to take it as if she were a character.

Thanks to a self-examination, Sofía Bogani detected in time that she had breast cancer. (Photo: Alessandro Currarino)

─Cancer is a word that is closely linked to death. Did you think about it?

Unfortunately, this is the information they give you everywhere, even in the series. Almost all of them talk about a cancer that kills. Why dramatize it so much? When he said he had cancer, people opened their eyes. I felt like they felt sorry for me, when they should have been happy because I detected it in time.

“Currently, I have the disease under control. They completely removed the cancer.”

EC Editorial,

─What stage of treatment are you in?

Currently, I have the disease under control. They removed the cancer completely. The chemotherapies they are doing on me are preventive.

─How many chemotherapies will you have?

There will be six. One every 21 days. They already made me two. I should have had the third one this week, but they stopped it because the transaminases in my liver shot up. My liver became inflamed from so much medicine. I also receive biological therapy because mine is genetic. Then I will start treatment with pills. And if everything goes well, in November I will be ringing the bell, celebrating life (smiles).

Related Articles:  Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection: The Impact of Personalized Medicine and AI Technology

─Natalia Salas and Anahí de Cárdenas also faced this disease. Did you talk to them about the topic?

When Natalia Salas found out about my cancer, she wrote to me. She was already recovering from the illness. It was very positive to talk with her because she has a very nice energy. She supported me a lot. She gave me encouragement, also some tips and names of doctors. When you’re going through this, it’s so good to have contact with people who really understand what you’re feeling.

─Are you still doing sports?

In Mexico I did marathons, boxing…, but for the moment I have stopped. The doctor recommended that I walk, do things that do not represent a lot of physical effort so that I do not get tired or my liver becomes inflamed.

─What led you to travel to Mexico?

An agency called me. He told me that they were interested in seeing projects with me in Mexico. And coincidentally, at the time, I was separating from my husband after eight years of dating. Everything aligned in that moment. Six months after that call I traveled and stayed. My goal was to continue there, but the cancer happened and I had to return.

─After the treatment, do you plan to return or will you stay to see projects in Lima?

With what happened to me I learned not to project myself in the long or medium term. Let life surprise me, let whatever has to come come. Since I have permanent residence in Mexico, I can return at any time. My house, my space and my things are there. But if something comes out here, I would have to evaluate it. This break reconnected me with Lima. Every time he came, I wanted to run away because everyone asked me about my separation, about him (his ex-husband). Now that doesn’t happen to me anymore. This is allowing me to heal that part, erase scars; because, of course, you get over it, but deep down there are things left. Leaving the country was therapy for me.

─How do you currently get along with your ex?

We have a beautiful relationship of friendship, of brothers. He is present in this process. He supports me, he cares about me, so that I don’t lack anything.

─Do you plan to tell your experience with cancer in a book?

I thought about telling it to raise awareness a little about the issue of self-examination and preventive check-ups. We do not have to be afraid of what we have to live through. Bad and unexpected things must be faced with courage and optimism.

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