Brave Jordanian Woman Fights Colon Cancer to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby: A Story of Resilience at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi

2023-09-21 22:05:11

A 36-year-old Jordanian woman overcame difficulties and pain and gave birth to a healthy child at Burjeel Hospital – Abu Dhabi, even though colon cancer struck her in the sixth month of pregnancy. Rania Fouad Al-Sheikh was suffering from severe abdominal pain throughout her pregnancy, and as the weeks progressed, her condition deteriorated, and she became bedridden. Rania said: “When I learned that I would become a mother for the second time, I felt very happy, but as my pregnancy progressed, I began to suffer from severe pain and heaviness.” In my stomach and liver, and by the sixth month of pregnancy, I became exhausted and had a lack of appetite for food, and I was transferred to the emergency room at Burjeel Hospital.” Rania added: “I thanked God Almighty because we finally knew the cause of the pain, and I did not feel sad because everything that comes from God is good. All I wanted was for my child to be healthy.”

Dr. Muhannad Diab, a consultant oncologist at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, said: When Rania came for the first time in April, she might not move or speak, as biopsies revealed an aggressive form of colon cancer called mucinous adenocarcinoma. While the patient was in poor condition, additional tests showed that the child’s condition was unstable, and realizing the seriousness of the situation, a multidisciplinary team at the hospital came up with a comprehensive chemotherapy plan. When the patient was 26 weeks pregnant, following three days of chemotherapy, the patient was able to move, and was discharged from the hospital a week following the first chemotherapy session. She continued to have weekly medical appointments during which the team monitored her and the baby until birth. In the 35th week of her pregnancy, Rania completed five sessions of chemotherapy, underwent a cesarean section, and brought her little boy into the world, weighing 2.32 kilograms.

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