Brandstätter elected as Neos top candidate |

The former journalist received 84 percent approval. In addition to the list of candidates, the Neos also approved their EU election program.

Brandstätter had already won the support of the extended party executive committee and the online primary election. The current Neos EU representative, Vorarlberg’s state spokeswoman Claudia Gamon, achieved 95.2 percent approval five years ago.

peace threatened

In his speech, Brandstätter praised the EU as an important peace project, also with a view to the war in Ukraine. Peace is now threatened, said Brandstätter, referring to the German AfD and the FPÖ. “A fortress Austria is the fastest way to poverty and to the next war,” he emphasized. If Austria were to leave the EU, which Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) has not yet mentioned, they would be at the mercy of Russia, nationalists and chauvinists. “We will not put up with this, we will defend ourselves and very clearly!” said Brandstätter.

More educational opportunities

“I want to take responsibility for Austria, for Europe for future generations,” said the EU top candidate about his motivation. There is a lot to do. In addition to maintaining peace with a common security policy, digitalization must be further expanded; the EU needs the best universities and educational opportunities for young people. In addition, the climate crisis must be fought together with the economy.

“We also need social cohesion,” emphasized Brandstätter, which is certainly liberal. Together, the Neos wanted to promote “the future, security, prosperity, cohesion”. People also want to take responsibility in Austria. He called for business people to stand up because an authoritarian Austria would damage the business location. This is already happening in Germany.

“Year for new majorities”

The other places on the list are occupied by, among others, the former Junos federal chairwoman Anna Stürgkh (2nd) and the Briton Peter Berry (3rd). The approximately 200 members – 50 of whom took part online – were previously welcomed by Gamon. The Vorarlberg Neos state spokeswoman was no longer a candidate for a place on the EU list. She swore the party members into the “really very decisive” super election year of 2024. “This year is the year for new majorities,” said Gamon, also with regard to the National Council and state elections.

Meinl-Reisinger would agree to an earlier election

“I am convinced that we are at a turning point in many areas,” emphasized Neos boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger. Democracy has come under attack, and the liberal, open society must therefore be defended. The EU must be defensive and secure prosperity. The middle in particular must now stand up against nationalism and autocratism. “We need each and every one of you,” she emphasized. The Neos are the positive alternative model.

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She is “no longer interested” in the “voter expulsion program” and in new corruption scandals emerging “every week” from the ÖVP, SPÖ and FPÖ, said Meinl-Reisinger, who once again agreed to early elections. She feared a mudslinging, but one actually had a “duty to serve and bring solutions” to inflation in order to promote reforms, for example for intergenerational equality. “We are the only party in Austria that is clearly European,” emphasized Secretary General Douglas Hoyos.

For the Neos, the creation of electoral lists takes place in a three-stage process, which begins with an online primary election. This time around 2,900 people registered and 2,100 voted on a total of 62 applicants. The result is the proposal of the extended party executive board, and the final decision is made by the general meeting.


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