brands of water bottles to avoid.

Many French people choose bottled water. Indeed, we think that it would be more reliable from a health point of view. However, the study ofAct for the environment claimed the opposite. Some of them contain microplastics. Here you will find the list of waters in bottle to avoid.

Beware of these bottled waters very common in France

At the end of July, the association Agir pour l’environnement a study. She carried out the latter with the laboratory Labocéa. Moreover, this study demonstrates the presence of microplastics in bottled waters. In addition, several affected brands are marketed in France.

Among the list are: Badoit, Cristaline, Carrefour, Evian (50 cl and 1 litre), Vittel (33 cl and 1 litre), et Perrier. Indeed, according to the association, 78 % bottled waters analyzed are contaminated. Moreover, the one revealed with the most microplastics is The Vittel Kids. In fact, it contains 40 for 33 cl, i.e. 121 particles per liter.

A health hazard

In a press release, “Acting for the environment” affirm that “Labocéa has identified between 1 and 121 microparticles of plastics per litre” and has “highlighted four different types of plastics” in all.

Moreover, these elements come “of the bottle, the cork and the bottling process” and they multiply even more when the temperature rises. “Subjected to high heat and light, these water bottles might expel even greater quantities of microplastics”explains the association.

Consumption of such particles is detrimental to health. In fact, these are endocrine disruptors, toxic and, in some, carcinogenic.

A danger to the planet

Note that microplastics are not biodegradable. Thus, they dirty every natural place that receives them. They mainly affect oceans, fauna and flora. However, it is possible to choose other alternatives. Indeed, one can opt for healthy water. For example, water bottles can be filled with tap water. It can also be purified with a special filtering carafe or with activated carbon.



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