“Brandkuppe Wind Power Project: Green Electricity for Styria’s Future – Verbund’s Plan to Build 8 Wind Turbines in Gaal Municipality”

2023-05-21 10:00:00

On Tuesday, May 23, Verbund is presenting the Brandkuppe wind power project in the municipality of Gaal, which is to include eight wind turbines. The population decides on this by means of a referendum.

GAAL. Is it after that compoundshould spread throughout Styria in 2030 in total Turn 250 wind turbines. eight of them could of the Brandkuppe in the municipality of Gaal supply green electricity for the Murtal region. The Gaalers Populationis correct on June 11, 2023 about the energy project ab.

VERBUND started on the Brandkuppe in the Gaal municipality more than a year ago extensive wind measurement program. The now evaluated measurement results form the planning basis for the project “Wind power Brandkuppe”which was held on May 23, 2023 at a community-hosted Informationsabends presented to the population of Gaal. On June 11, 2023, the population of Gaal will decide on the project in a referendum.

Green electricity for the region

Form the heart of the future project eight modern wind turbines on the Gaaler Brandkuppe. The Brandkuppe corresponds to the ideal-typical Styrian wind power location, as can be found at altitudes on both sides of the Mur and Mürz valleys. With a Turmhöhe von 149 Meter and one Rotor diameter of 162 meters can the eight wind turbines with a total output of almost 50 megawatts yearly approximately 130 million kilowatt hours of electricity supply and feed into the regional power grid. This electricity production corresponds to that annual requirement von more than 30,000 households and is almost twice as large as the annual production in the Mur power plant in Fisching near Zeltweg.

Energy future is renewable

In the Styria can today only the half of the power consumption through green power generation covered become. After Verbund shut down the Zeltweg coal-fired power plant more than 20 years ago, the Hydropower currently the most important energy source in the region. The Brandkuppe wind farm can form a mainstay of supply security, especially in the winter months, and against the background of the energy transition (electromobility, heat, decarbonization of the economy) make the region less dependent on (fossil) energy imports.

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Innovative energy partnership

In parallel with the technical planning for the Brandkuppe wind farm, Verbund is developing various Value-added packages for the local community, which should result in a permanent energy partnership between Verbund and the municipality of Gaal. An essential building block of this energy partnership is the “Gaal Energy Community”, with which the wind farm and the existing small hydroelectric power plants form a largely autonomous green electricity self-sufficiency area attractive and stable electricity costs for Households and businesses in the municipality Gaal arises.

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