brand name, the story behind the birth of some famous brand names

It’s not regarding what business we do, it’s regarding having a good reputation in whatever we do. The brand should have a catchy name that is easily understood by the public. Brands with such names should be in the minds of our target customers. That is the success of a business. Some brand names are centuries old. Names that are passed from one tongue to many tongues….that’s brand name.

Coming up with an original name for a new product or business requires a lot of research and is not always easy. There are even agencies that specialize in finding a name for a brand. But the names of some brands that have conquered the world are associated with the name or family name of their owners.

Names of some prominent brands and owners

Thomas Lipton- Lipton Tea

King Camp Gillette- Gillette

Enzo Ferrari – Ferrari

Ferruccio Lamborghini – Lamborghini
Adolf Dassler- Adidas

Walter Elias Disney – The Walt Disney Company


Barbara Millicent Robert – Barbie

René Lacoste – Lacoste

Michael Jordan – Air Jordan

Mercedes Jellinek- Mercedes

Lipton Tea
In the 19th century, tea was a luxury that even a middle-income class might not afford. But one man’s perspective changed everything. Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1850, Sir Thomas Lipton started the tea brand Lipton Tea in his forties. At just 16 years of age, Sir Thomas Lipton became a laborer on a steamship to save his family from poverty. Later came back and following doing several jobs returned to Scotland.
Worked as an assistant in his parents’ grocery store. Thus a chain of these shops spread across Glasgow. He bought a tea farm in Sri Lanka with the money he got from that business. He started selling tea powder to the people at a low price by eliminating the middlemen. That’s how common people started enjoying tea. That’s how this tea started taking its place on everyone’s dinner table. So all the tea lovers of the world sir. Thomas Lipton is gratefully remembered. Lipton tea, which has conquered the world even today, got its name from his name.


Are there any products that beat Gillette in shaving blades? This is the company that introduced us to such perfectly sharp shaving blades. The company was founded by a man named Kim Kamp Gillette. He was born in 1855 in Wisconsin. One morning while shaving his beard, he realized that his regular blade razor was not very sharp.
He realized that a good shaving blade needs to be sharp and only the edge needs to be sharp. He invented the technique of making two ends of a flat piece of steel into sharp blades. That’s how the previous shaving methods are changing. Gillette has also launched a range of low-cost disposable blades. The discovery of long-lasting disposable blades has revolutionized the field. He turned this into a venture and gave the brand name Gillette, his family name.

Enzo Ferrari

Enzo Ferrari is one of the best sports car builders of the 1960s.
Born in Modena, Italy in 1898, Enzo Anselmo Ferrari developed a love of car racing at a very young age.

In 1919, Enzo joined the Alfa Romeo racing team as a racing car driver and enjoyed a successful driving career spanning over two decades. After this, he entered the field of sports car manufacturing. He also gave the family name to his brand.



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