Brain, body… Researchers launch participatory study on effects of extreme heat

2024-07-31 10:40:41

As a heatwave sweeps across France, French and Swiss researcher Christian Clot is launching a new participatory study into the effects of heatwaves on our bodies and brains.

Do we become more irritable when it’s hot? While France is currently experiencing hot weather, Franco-Swiss explorer and researcher Christian Clot wanted to study the effects of high temperatures on our bodies.

According to the Daily Mail, the scientist is working with his Human Adaptation Research Group to find 3,000 French volunteers to take part in a scientific study that will take place in August and September next year. release.

Christian Clot is primarily known for leading the deep temporal study in April 2021 and the deep climate study from December 2022 to June 2023. Human behavior in the face of time.

The second study involved three 40-day expeditions into the Amazon forest, arctic cold and desert. She seeks to analyze the impact of climate on human cognitive and physiological abilities.

a new study

As part of a new study called Heatadapt, Christian Cloete wanted to study the effects of heat on our bodies. For four weeks, participants had to answer a daily questionnaire about how they felt about the heat. Another weekly survey will ask participants about their habits and tips for coping with the heat.

Christian Clotte said that unlike other countries, the French were not prepared for extreme temperatures. Therefore, the purpose of this new study is to build public understanding of high temperatures and document its effects in order to better adapt.

Above 30°C, the brain loses function

This research may help us understand not only the effects of heat on our bodies, but also on the brain.

“For example, we know that the brain loses its decision-making ability above 30°C,” Christian Clot told Libération.

The fact that above this threshold the body will naturally try to cool down means that the brain will be more focused on this cooling phase than on the task it is currently performing.

Uneven when facing heat

If Christian Clotte is so interested in the effects of heat on our bodies, it is also because of the fact that we are not all equal when it comes to heat. In an interview with Liberation, he recalled that people suffering from the disease had more difficulty adapting to the hot weather.

Paradoxically, people who love sports and health also tend to be more active without realizing the risks involved, and therefore not feeling well.

During periods of extreme heat, the Ministry of Health and Solidarity recommends staying cool, drinking water regularly and eating refreshing foods. If you show signs of discomfort, please call 15.

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